Teamwork makes the suck factor work-a SirMiwalot/SK special
AO: Starting Line
When: 01/01/2022
QIC: Script Kiddie
PAX (9): Janeway, Komrad, Schneider, Script Kiddie, Sirmixalot, Snowman, Valley Girl, who, Dimples
New year new challenge. I am pretty sure it was a late night for all since it was time to ring in the new year, the night before, but even with that we had 6 PAX ready to go at 615 including Snowman, Valley girl and Schneider, plus an downrange F3 brother Dimples from F3-Tallahassee and Sir Mixalot was there as well, and with that I finally got a chance to use my shiny new Ruck which is truly one of the best presents an F3 PAX could get. So with Schnieder settting a good pace we managed to get about a 2.2 mile ruck in to prep for the Beatdown to come.
Once we got back to the flag Janeway, Komrad, and Who arrived just in time to start the first mosey of 2022.
Took a bit of a long way around but ended at our normal staring point, and it was time to get the party started, with an added bonus of this being a shared Q, I took the first half (Thang1) and Sir Mixalot took the second half (Thang2), enough of all that on to the Warmup
Disclaimer given
22 SSHs (hey it was 2022, so why not)
20 Hillbillies
15 Copperhead Squats
15 Moroccan Night clubs
Time to start the fun
The Thang:
This was the first BD of the year and the focus was to have something that would push us all so with that being said, this beatdown was brought to you by the number 22 and the letters S-U-X
Thang1 (A Script Kiddie Thang)
Started where we were, and this was the events
22 rangee merkins
22 jump squats
22 Vup/Yups
11 Wolverines(If it is an SK DB, most likely burpees will be involved)
Long lap
22 Diamond merkins
22 Bonnie Blairs
22z rocking horses
11 Hugh Jackmans
Long lap
22 Flap jacks/around the worlds,(merkin, in high plank roll to one side do another merkin, that is one, then do another merkin, in high plank roll the other way and do another merkin, back and forth till 22 were complete)
I have to be honest here, this one pushed me, I had done 22 Around the worlds in a row but not after all the previous exercises, at the end I was taxed, and for Janeway, that stated that we did a lot of merkins, well, 154 were done as part of the burpees, around the worlds and assorted merkins on this part of the beatdown, not counting all the other exercises, and that was just my part,
We ended with another long lap then a quick mosey so start Thang2
Next was Sir Mixalots portion of the BD, and he kept the intensity at a hig level and Snowman mentioned, the suck factor was high and stayed there, for sure. On to thang 2
Thang2 (A Sir Mixalot special)
With the amount of PAX Sir Mixalot had to do a quick pivot to a backup plan, that showed he could bring the pain even if it was a last second idea, so he pulled out the following
Taking the umm ‘fun’to the next level
At the bottom of the steps
22 merkins
Mosey to the top of the steps and back
22 merkins, 22 squats
Mosey to the top of the steps and back
22 merkins, 22 squats, 22 Carolina dry docks
Mosey to the top of the steps and back
22 merkins, 22 squats, 22 Carolina dry docks, 22 WW2 situps
Mosey to the top of the steps and back
22 merkins, 22 squats, 22 Carolina dry docks, 22 WW2 situps, 22 Bonnie Blairs
Mosey to the top of the steps and back
At this point it was time to start heading down the later so
22 squats, 22 Carolina dry docks, 22 WW2 situps, 22 Bonnie Blairs
Mosey to the top of the steps and back
22 Carolina dry docks, 22 WW2 situps, 22 Bonnie Blairs
Mosey to the top of the steps and back
22 WW2 situps, 22 Bonnie Blairs
Mosey to the top of the steps and back
22 Bonnie Blairs
At that point, it was time to head to the flag and start the CoT
Awesome job, HIM, not only for just showing but completing the BD and not acting on the impulse to hurt either me or Sir Mixalot, for all we put you through, Seriously well done and you all never quite, setting a great tone for 2022.
And Sir Mixalot, well done, I like the idea of Q sharing, we may need to do that again soon, and who knows this BD could be revisited later in the year to see how everyone is accelerating, I am curious to take another go at this one, for sure
The count was 9 with 5 of the PAX in the respect club, especially Schneider who not only lead the pre-ruck but was consistently leading the way throughout the BD. Also it was great having our downrange vistor Dimples from Tallahassee region
No announcements or pray requests
The acceleration was a quote from Jocko Willink
“Getting better isn’t a hack or a trick or a one change that you need to make getting better is a campaign, it’s a daily, weekly, hourly fight against weakness, temptation, and laziness, it’s a campaign of discipline a campaign of hard work and dedication, waking up early, going to bed late, and grinding out ever second in between.
Snowman added the point that the key is this is a campaign, not quick fix and we will fail, at it more then once but we just need to get up and keep going, the set backs that try to stop us can be things that set us up for even bigger/better thing.
I also mentioned the idea of a word or theme for the year, again thanks to Snowman and other PAX for their input on this, Janeway stated his word for the year and I did not share mine for the year but it is lead, and that is in every area.
At this point it was time for the Ball of men and pray then Coffee time
Naked-Man Moleskin:
Who? had a hot date with his M so he quickly headed out after the Pic, so we then sat down to enjoy some java and discuss the plans for the day/week.
As we start into 2022, I want us to pause and pray for each other to be the best leaders (Husbands, fathers, friends, workers) we can be, this year, I pray we all work on every area, Fitness, Fellowship and Faith and help others along the way be it F3 brothers or other men and women we come in contact with.
Again great job and I am thankful for all the men that I was able to start the year with and am looking forward to all this year holds.