Hey! I’ve got an idea.
AO: Firehouse
When: 12/30/2021
QIC: Sirmixalot
PAX (6): ASPHALT, LifeLøck, Lightweight, Rodeo Clown, Sirmixalot, Pebble
YHC wanted to keep up with the rest of the Qs from this week and since I missed two workouts due to Covid contact I decided to do a running heavy BD. There was a heavy rain when I woke up and left the house that mostly cleared out in time for the BD. This was tougher than I thought it would be for me and for most of the PAX it seemed. Which means it’s something I will definitely do again.
Mosey from flag around past the normal warm up spot – to the end of the parking lot closer to the entrance road.
Weed Picker 15
Sun Gods – 20 each direction
Willie Mays Hayes – 15
The Thang:
To finish out the last Firehouse BD of 2021:
Start with a “lap” up the hill and around the roundabout back to the end of the parking lot.
21 Merkins – Then a lap
21 merkins, 21 squats, lap 3
21 merkins, 21 squats, 21 dry docks, lap 4 (I called an audible here and we switched to a short lap around the end section of the parking lot so we would have time to get in more BD work)
21 merkins, 21 squats, 21 dry docks, 21 WWII, lap 5
21 merkins, 21 squats, 21 dry docks, 21 WWII, 21 Lunges (1 is 1), (We were close to being out of time so after this set we took a long lap around the whole upper parking lot back to the flag and end just at 0615.
Count-a-rama, Name-a-rama, MOC – YHC presented the thought that we won’t be the same person we were this year in 2022 if we continue to pursue growth and moving forward. The choice is always there for us to stay the same or to grow in our fitness, our family leadership, our careers, and every aspect of our lives.
Prayers and Coffeteria
Naked-Man Moleskin:
I always look forward to being with the guys at Firehouse. Glad for all who were able to come out and it was nice to meet Asphalt.