The Ruckfast Club
AO: Starting Line
When: 12/11/2021
QIC: Sirmixalot
PAX (5): Rodeo Clown, Script Kiddie, Sirmixalot, who, Fig Newton
5 pax were assigned “detention” on Saturday morning. All of them arrived at the appointed time and got themselves rucked up and marched their rebellious selves from Main Street Park to Dawson County High School stadium.
The warm-o-rama was of the naturally occuring variety as we moved with purpose from the park to the stadium. About the time we entered the stadium YHC remembered that he had not performed the disclaimer…
The Thang:
So he did the discalimer and then proceeded to lead the pax through a snake up and down the home side stands. At the bottom the pax performed rucked 15 squats and squat thrusts with ruck over head – alternating each time, and at the top they performed 15 ruck merkins and ruck kettlebells – alternating each time.
After making our way through the stands we rucked to the end of the field up the embankment and around to the back of the baseball fields where there is an obstacle course. We meandered through the course occasionally performing some of the obstacles but as the course was very wet and we weren’t sure how to use all of it we did not do all of them (but this will be a good spot to return to)
After the obstacle course we got short on time so we started rucking back toward the park. We added a little bit onto the end of the ruck to end up back at the starting point right at 8AM.
We offered prayers for Wisdom for Rodeo Clown. Prayers for comfort and healing for Who’s sister and her family.
Coffeteria provided good conversation and some experimental PDerkin Climbers (Picnic table decline merkins with an added twist – Coming soon to a BD near you)
Naked-Man Moleskin:
As always good effort by all. Great conversations. All around a good morning.