The Battle of Windjammer Dam
AO: Windjammer
When: 11/12/2021
QIC: Ha-ha
PAX (6): Cookie, Dipstick, Ha-ha, Milli Vanilli, Townie, uga
The PAX of Windjammer have been good to me as I have been recovering from a foot injury and not at my usual running workouts. So I signed up for my farewell Q to the Windjammers.
But, there is trouble. The Frosythians are on the move.
After a quick disclaimer we were off to the upper part of the back parking lot for warm up:
- Weed Pickers
- Imperial Walkers
- Sprinter’s Stretch
Mosey back to the flag…
The Thang:
Intel has reported that the evil Forsythians are making a move on Windjammer Dam. Special Forces troups are dug in along the dam to defend this important woter source. The Lake is fed by Caney Creek which leads upstream to the enemy encampment at the Caney Creek Preserve and the AO there. Further NE is the Grindstone AO encampment and to the NW is the Storm AO. Troups are massing along the county line at McGinness Ferry Road. Destruction of this dam would flood hundreds of acres of swamp land and casue numerous racoons to attack trash cans all over Lake Windward subdivision.
The special forces troups needed additional ammo so our raw recruits were tasked with taking 19 ammo bags across the dam to the ammo dump. So we started hauling the girlfriends, I mean ammo bags, across the dam dropping them at each street lamp and running back to pick up more.
After getting all 19 ammo bags to the flag pole the Special Forces were so well dug in and camofauged that we could not find them. We were ordered to inspect the dam so starting at the north end of the dam we did the F3 Holy Trinity, Merkins, LBC and Squat, across the dam. 5 merkins, 10 LBCs and 20 Squats for each of the flags across the dam. We broke into two teams. An ammo bag was placed at the first flag and was moved 1 flag south for each set of exercises done by each team member. 5 merkins x 3 team members = move ammo 3 flags. Continue all the way across the dam. 100 flags on each side of the sidewalk.
It seems that the evil Forsythians are also cowards and had returned to base so the ammo is no longer needed to hold the dam. So we moved the ammo bags back to the ammo dump at the AO home base.
Having completed the ammo mission we needed to clear a mine field left to guard our flank. So we moseied to the back parking lot and spread out in a line and probed for mines: Lt. Dan across the parking lot, 1 squat to 4 lunges, 2 squats to 8 lunges…. until across the lot.
Back to the flag for mary. Freddie Mercury’s and Rosalitas.
We went around the COT circle and each shared something that we are thankful for or a struggle.
Thanksgiving week planning for who is open and who is closed
Sant Ruck
Coffee by Cookie
Naked-Man Moleskin:
It was great to serve with the men of Windjammer over the last 2 months. Thanks for putting up with me.