The Band Played Waltzing Matilda
AO: Starting Line
When: 11/06/2021
QIC: Sirmixalot
PAX (7): Janeway, LifeLøck, Lightweight, Murdock, Script Kiddie, Sirmixalot, Stu
YHC decided that today was the day to introduce the PAX at Starting Line to the ruck BD. It was YHC first time too – truth be told. I had been planning to do this for several weeks and took several on my own rucks to get the lay of the land and work out a route to follow. I was primed, rested, and ready to take on the challenge…well, I was *ready* at least.
4 of us took on a pre-run *and* a pre-ruck at 0615. Good thing YHC had some *pre* workout this morning. (insert Ric Flair WOOOOOOO when the pre workout kicks in)
Lots of good conversation during the Pre work.
As we rounded the corner of the track we saw that we had a pretty good crew arriving for this mornings BD. Downranger Stu showed up from Norseman as he’s doing the AO Shuffle this month. Janeway and Murdock popped in for the BD as well.
Just before 0700 everyone rucked up and after all the ruck prepping was done YHC offered up the disclaimer and explained that the warm up would be the first few minutes of the BD as we had a lot of ground to cover.
The Thang:
Moseyed to the stairs and did ten squats at the bottom and at each landing for a total of 50. We made our way through the Junior high campus and did some more stair work at the little amphitheater at the back of the arts center.
Continued on toward the Court house and City Hall. YHC remarked that he had considered prescribing 10 merkins everytime we passed an American flag but decided against it at the last minute (The city has HUNDREDS of flags up about every 50 feet for Veterans Day) That would have been one seriously epic BD. YHC will save that one for another day.
We made it in front of the court house where we did 10 Derkins on the 2-ish foot wall in front of the building and then we did step ups. We continued on down the hill and back up into a subdivision that YHC had surveyed previously – It has a nice long climb to a culdesac. (We got word later that there had been an unknown group of guys with backpacks spotted wondering through that subdivision and boy are we glad we didn’t run into them. They sound like a rough bunch)
We made our way back down the hill and back toward city hall where we did a little more stair work. Lunges on the lawn, some Bernie Sanders, and a Sprint finished out this portion of the workout.
We followed our route back the way we came and YHC couldn’t resist throwing a little more stair work at the PAX on the way. Then we carefully Bernie Sanders-ed down a grassy hill. Would have been a good place for Crawl bears. Might try that next time. Then we made our way down the main stairs at the park and circled up for a little bit of mary.
Stu presented an exercise that was new to some of the PAX called the Fire Hydrant. (Think like a dog)
Lifelock prescribed American Hammers
YHC prescribed leg raises while holding a ruck
Time was up.
Script Kiddie shared an acceleration point which generated some discussion on continually bettering ourselves.
Announcements – Santa Ruck coming up
Prayers – Continued health. That we can continue to lead our families and communities well.
Coffeteria – continued good conversations ensued.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
If you’re wondering about my BB, this will help https://youtu.be/cZqN1glz4JYhttps://youtu.be/cZqN1glz4JY
I really enjoyed leading this Ruck BD and can’t wait to do it again soon. The HIMs that were here today worked hard like they always do and it was an honor to lead.