In celebration of 1975…and the Braves
AO: Windjammer
When: 11/03/2021
PAX (8): Cookie, Ha Ha, Brutus, Funyun, Milli Vanilli, Walkie Talkie, Stu
A post-birthday celebration of 1975, with a nod to the Braves and everyone who stayed up and still posted.
Short mosey to the lake followed by SSHs, copperhead squats and weedpickers.
The Thang:
Back to the parking lot and coupon pile to start the beatdown, with Springsteen (whose Born to Run album came out in 1975) to add some extra inspiration. 1975-themed trivia was asked before each round of exercises, with a penalty of two Annies for every missed question…the first of which was of course, Springsteen and BtR related. First round consisted of 21 curls with the coupon, followed by a half-Bernie, half-mosey lap around the parking lot. A new exercise was added each round so the full complement included: curls, squats, wonderbras, skull crushers and LBCs. Knowing Jaws was the highest grossing movie on a double-or-nothing final question eliminated penalty Annies for the final round. Beatdown continued with 11s in the parking lot – big boys on one side and dying cockroaches on the other, alternating bear crawl and mosey between the spots. Back to the flag for a quick Mary and concluding with a set of Walkie Talkie’s Freddie Freemans to honor the WS champs.
Prayers for Milli Vanilli’s family as he gets ready to travel back to Ohio to be with family. Also, check the Slack channel for details about the Shuffle. Cookie has the Q for Friday.