Mucho Chesto Widow
AO: Widowmaker
When: 10/30/2021
QIC: Feathers
PAX (13): Cox, DREAMER, Feathers, NRA, Pass Interference, Pumba, Stroller, YouTube, Zohan, Wham, Tick (FNG), Dr. Phil (FNG), UMass (FNG)
A cool and misty morning at Webb Bridge, and a late evening watching the Braves take game 3, didn’t prevent 3(!) FNGs from facing the gloom and the promise of a painful challenging beatdown.
Mosey around the (busy) parking lot with high knees, butt-kickers, karaokes. SSH, weed pickers, and windmills to stretch the aging muscles.
The Thang:
First Thang (Buy In): Circle up in the middle of the soccer field for a round of Merkin Jax: Jack Webb-style combination of 1 Merkin to 4 Plankjacks. 1 to 5 and back down to 1, holding plank all the while, for a total of 25 merkins and 100 plankjacks.
Second Thang: Four corners with a toll. Bobby Hurleys, Big Boys, No Surrenders, Crab Cakes. After each exercise, mosey to the middle of the field and pay a toll of 3 burpees before proceeding to the next corner. Makes a nice 4-pointed star on Strava. First round – 20 reps each, Second round – 10 reps each. By now the soccer teams were warming up so we needed to move on.
Relay run to the top of our namesake.
Third Thang: Mucho Chesto Widow. Five cones were place at somewhat even intervals along the hill. Start at the top by performing 20 LBCs, then mosey down the hill to the first cone. There perform 1o merkins, and run to the top of the hill for 20 more LBCs. Rinse and repeat, but stop 1 cone short each time down the hill, until a full round of mucho chesto is performed (10 regular, 10 wide, 10 diamond, 10 stagger left, 10 stagger right) and 120 LBCs are completed. No man was left behind.
Relay run back to the parking lot, but keep on moseying up to the concession stand.
Fourth Thang (Cash Out): Jack(ass) Burpee Webb. Jack Webb-style combination of 1 Burpee to 2 Donkey Kicks. 1 to 5 and back down to 1, for a total of 25 burpees and 50 Donkey Kicks.
Mosey back to the still active parking lot for 3 Minutes of Mary.
Remember to sign up for the Shuffle November challenge. Prayers for NRAs Sister-in-law, and travel mercies for several of the Pax. Prayers for Cox (and his kids) while is M is in Israel.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
3 FNGs this morning is a reminder of why we do this. This is not just about getting fit. It’s about male fellowship, leadership, and mental health. Get after those sad clowns who need this in their lives just as we do. You might save a spirit, a marriage, or even a life.