Ghost Burpees and Devil’s Triangle
AO: The Wreck
When: 10/29/2021
QIC: Raider
PAX (10): aflac, Backside, Bear, Blue, Catheter, Foley, Matt Shields-Norm, MillerTime, Raider, Scratchoff
Q was a little worried about the weather forecast, but fortunately the rain held off for a nice, gloomy Halloween spooktacular! This beatdown took a little more effort for prep time, so Q had to set the alarm earlier than normal. In a last minute trip the night before to Party City the Q was able to snag some ghosts and goblins to set the mood for a scary BD.
As PAX moved to Playground for a warm-up, they were instructed that if they encountered a goblin they had to do 10 Burpees or risked being haunted for the rest of the BD. (We found 3 goblins by the end of the BD)
The PAX went through a series of exercises to spell out the work P*U*M*P*K*I*N
P= Plank Jacks
U= Up/Downs
M = Monkey Humpers
P = Peter Parkers
K = Knerkins
I = Imperial Walkers
N = No Surrenders
The Thang:
Lunge Walk/Skeleton Dog Exercises
Two skeleton dogs observed each end of the football field parking lot. Each dog had a list of exercises for the PAX to perform, then PAX lunge walked across the parking to the other dog for another list. Halloween-themed tunes played in the background.
31 Merkins
31 Stone Mountains
31 Diamonds
31 Big Boys
31 LBCs
31 American Hammers
Devil’s Triangle
Three ghosts were setup in a triangle with each ghost having a trick or treat bag. PAX reached into the bag to choose a paper and perform the required excercise. PAX then bear crawled to the next ghost to rinse-and-repeat.
Ghost 1: with coupon
31 Curls
31 Overhead Press
31 Skull Crushers
31 Chest Press
13 Bus Drivers
13 Straight Arm Raises
Ghost 2:
31 Monkey Humpers
31 Groiners
31 Jump Squats
13 T-bombs
31 Pickle Pounders
31 J-Los
Ghost 3:
31 American Hammers
31 Flutter Kicks
31 Crab Cakes
31 Hillbillies
31 Windmills
31 Crunch Frogs
To add an extra point of fun, the Q would call out Prank at which the PAX would run to the bathrooms and “Prank knock” the door and run back.
Miller Time announced the running event for No Longer Bound on Saturday 10/30
Prayers for safe kiddos this Halloween