Kill the Narrative
AO: Gladiator
When: 10/28/2021
QIC: Fire Drill
PAX (13): Bo Knows, Cheneral, DREAMER, Fire Drill, Ironhead, RaspberryPi, shiner, Spandex, WickaWicka, Groupon, Big Short, Brownie, Copay
After a disappointing Game 2 of the World Series, YHC decided it was a good idea to “re-charge” the PAX with a Tomahawk beatdown in the light drizzle. A few PAX rolled in as we were beginning, but caught up to the rest of the group in time to hear the disclaimer with a few added provisions for any Astros fans.
Mosey to the parking lot by the pavilion where we began with:
- (15) SSHs
- (10) Hillbillies
- (10) Windmills
- (5) Burpees
- World Greatest Stretch OYO
A short Mosey to the pavilion to continue with
- (20) Step ups
- (15) Derkins
A “longer” short Mosey to the field to complete a half lap with a sprint on the baseline
The Thang:
Partnered up on the sideline and one partner took 5 GIANT steps onto the field (pitch for Raspberry Pi). The partner on the sideline would be doing an exercise towards the other partner on the field who would be stationary doing another exercise. This would continue for the length of pre-determined song and then partners would switch and continue for the length of said song.
Round One – MUSIC CHOICE – Tomahawk Chop Chant for one minute
Partner 1 – sprint to Partner 2, touch the ground, Back peddle (Bernie Sanders) back to the sideline. REPEAT, Partner 2 – Squats
Round Two – MUSIC CHOICE – Tomahawk Chop Chant for one minute
Partner 1 – sprint to Partner 2, ONE merkin, Back peddle (Bernie Sanders) back to the sideline. REPEAT, Partner 2 – BBSUs
Round Three – MUSIC CHOICE – Tomahawk Chop Chant for one minute
Partner 1 – side shuffle to Partner 2, ONE burpee, shuffle back to sideline. REPEAT, Partner 2 – Lunges
Round Four – MUSIC CHOICE – Tomahawk Chop Chant for one minute
Partner 1 – broad jump to Partner 2, Back peddle (Bernie Sanders) back to sideline. REPEAT, Partner 2 – Makhtar N’Diayes
Round Five – MUSIC CHOICE – Tomahawk Chop Chant for one minute
Partner 1 – Bear Crawl to Partner 2, Crawl Bear back to sideline. REPEAT, Partner 2 – Jack Webbs
After Completion of 10 straight minutes of the Tomahawk Chop Chant, YHC decided that the PAX had been brainwashed into Braves fans and would have the chant echoing in their head for the remainder of the day. Mosey to the hill
With Partner – modified DORA with one partner mosey/sprint up the hill to the “un-named but should be named” light post. Alternate to completion of the following exercises (cumulative)
C – Carolina Dry Docks (100)
H – Hand-Release Merkins (50)
O – Overhead Press (with coupon) (50)
P – Plank JacksĀ (50)
Mosey back to the field
Back to the field where YIC “challenged” the PAX to some Braves Trivia. Five categories with 2 questions in each category. A PAX would either volunteer or be chosen to select a category. If the PAX answered correctly, he selected the next exercise for the PAX. If the PAX answered incorrectly, the PAX would complete a complete down and back of the entire field. Categories Include:
- Braves Geography, Braves Food, Braves Pop Culture, Braves Math, Braves History
Only had time for (3) PAX to answer – TWO PAX were incorrect, One PAX correct.
Should be noted that it was NO surprise that the Mets Fan in the group was incorrect – pretty much a given that they fold under pressure
Mosey back to the flag for a few minutes of Mary
2ndf at Village Burger on Friday (10/29)
Support and Prayers for Cheneral’s upcoming sermon.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
Always an honor to contribute to this great group of guys. Thank you for your faithful friendship. Humbled and grateful to wake up at 4:00 am on a rainy day and drive 50 minutes to fellowship with you all.
Peace and Joy,
Fire Drill