Sometimes Less is More
AO: The Wreck
When: 10/15/2021
QIC: Donor
PAX (8): aflac, Boomstick, Choo Choo, Matt Shields-Norm, Tubbs, Vanilla, YaoMing
The excitement/stress/anxiousness etc of running your first Q is real. Didn’t sleep very well but was super excited to lead the Wreckers on an adventure. And an adventure it was. The Q overestimated a few quantities but was quickly brought back in line by the PAX. Thank you for the help and suggestions. Maybe a little over zealous on my part.
Always good conversations as we stretch. 5:30 and Let’s Mosey!
Q led Pax up the trail to the upper parking lot by the lake for a little stretching. More good chatter.
- SSH x 13 (Q lost count)
- Weed Pickers x 12
- Slow Squats x 12
- HillBilly’s x 12
After WoR Q led Pax over to the Lake for some laps.
The Thang:
Partner Up and grab a shared lifting coupon and meet in the Gazebo overlooking the lake/pond. Partner A will Run around the Lake while Partner B completes the following exercises. Switch:
- Chest Press
- Curls
- Thrusters
- Skull Crushers or Dips
Once completed PAX returned Coupon to the rock pile as we moseyed over to the football/lacrosse field.
Q promised PAX there would be zero bear crawling as it seems that has been common over the last few weeks. PAX helped Q with modifications on the count for each station of our 4 Corners. Much appreciated as Q got way ahead of his ski’s and would have had a mutiny on his hands. Once we settled in PAX crushed the following:
- Corner 1: Bonnie Blair’s x 20 (single count)
- 50 yd line: Plank Jacks x 10
- Corner 2: Bonnie Blair’s & Merkins x 30
- 50 yd line: Plank Jacks
- Corner 3: Bonnie Blair’s & Merkins & Big Boy’s x 20
- 50 yd line: Plank Jacks
- Corner 4: Bonnie Blair’s & Merkins & Big Boys & Squats x 30
With a few minutes left we moseyed back to the Flag for a very short round of Mary. Time was called.
Convergence is Oct 23rd at Webb Bridge Park. More details to follow.
Look out for more details on Goats 24 hour Roswell Park Run.
Continued prayers for all special intentions from this week.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
Truly grateful for all of you Wrecker’s. You all inspire me to be better. I’ve been coming since February when I finally had no more excuses (all BS) for Squeegee. Truly a blessing.