Welcome to October, Norseman
AO: Norseman
When: 10/07/2021
QIC: Walkie Talkie - Brian K. Henson
PAX (10): Beaker, Crikey, Dr. Rico, Ha-ha, HotSauce, Huckleberry, Nacho Libre, Pumba, TO, Walkie Talkie - Brian K. Henson
It was a beautiful Fall morning to celebrate IPC being over & October being here; Play ball!. 10Pax showed up (4 prerunners) for a DJ Walkie Talkie Beatdown
Grab a Girlfriend (aka Coupon) & Mosey to the Upper Lot for SSHs, Weed Pickers, Hillbillies, & Windmills.
The Thang:
DJ Jazzy Walkie Talkie had prepared a playlist that looked a little something like this: (reps in 2 teams followed by a lap)
Wake Me Up When September Ends – Merkins (a celebration of IPC completion)
Hemorrhage – Jump Squats w/coupon
Living On a Prayer -LBCs
Come As You Are – Curls w/ coupon
Thunder – Group Lunges with 3 Planks & Merkins on “Thunder”
I Won’t Back Down – Flutter Kicks
Another Brick in Wall – Overhead Press w/ coupon
Tom Sawyer – Freddie Mercuries
One – Group SSH & Burpee on “One”
We need prayers, hands, and supplies for Saturdays Beatdown and dinner with No Longer Bound. 4:00 Beatdown and 5:00 dinner. Please come if you can. If you can’t, let Ha-ha or NachoLibre know if you can contribute financially or with food/drinks. Iron sharpens iron and these gentlemen need our love and encouragement…”we’re one but we’re not the same, we get to carry each other”. So often when we encourage, we get encouraged ourselves.
Thanks Dr. Rico for your Truth Nugget on the mission and values of No Longer Bound and the opportunity to reflect on who the servant leaders were in our lives and the challenge to be servant leaders ourselves in our sphere.
Huge applause to Ha-ha who has been showing up in the gloom and fighting through an injury. Gotta love an overcomer even though sometimes there are spills and setbacks. 😉
Naked-Man Moleskin:
“Here comes the rain again, falling from the stars. Drenched in my pain again, becoming who we are.” – Green Day
“We’re One but we’re not the same, we get to carry each other, carry each other, One!” -U2