45 seconds can be an Eternity
AO: Atlas
When: 08/24/2021
QIC: No-See-Um
PAX (2): Rusty, No-See-Um
An extra muggy morning greeted YHC as he got out of his truck at Atlas this am. And it would only get hotter with what was planned for the morning.
Thankfully Rusty showed or this would’ve been a true suck-fest to go at it alone. Atlas has quickly become a favorite of YHC’s…partly due to the foot injury (stress fracture), but also because sometimes you just want to lift heavy things for 45 minutes!!
Let’s get to it.
After disclaimer was given right into the warm-up (all IC):
- Imperial Walkers x 10
- Frankensteins (Toy Soldiers) x 10
- Weed Pickers x 10
- OH Claps x 10
- Arm Circles x 10
- Covids (OYO)
The Thang:
YHC decided to set up some Tabata/AMRAP exercises to get a good burn along with stressing good form/technique. All with a Cindy!
First Cycle:
Three exercises at 45 seconds each for Five total rounds
- Cindy Swings
- Squats
- Alternating Merkins
*There was a much needed break after three rounds where the pax Lunge Walked 30 yards out and back…then got back and finished last two rounds.
Second Cycle:
- Dead Lifts
- Blockees
- Curls
*Same Lunge Walk out and back after three rounds.
A short breather once the Tabata part of BD was done on to the Field for two sets of:
- Murder Bunnies out 90 feet and Cusak back
Next one pax would Farmer Carry both blocks out 90 feet and back while other pax did Shoulder Taps and then Flapjack.
And just like that our time was done for the morning!
- YHC has a former colleague whose daughter (4 yrs old) is battling Leukemia and currently going through Chemo and preparing for bone marrow transplants. Her dad’s faith is so strong and just inspiring to see how positive he is staying and leaning on the lord through this difficult time for his family.
- Rusty has a friend whose son (13) is also battling cancer and prayers for that whole family.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
- Great CSAUP event this past Saturday in honor of Darth Visor as 68 #HIM posted at Big Creek.
- Newest AO for F3 Alpha officially launches this Saturday, 7:00-8:00 am at Northwestern MS. Come out and see what Nirvana has to offer and if you get the same Stupid and Contagious feeling when you are there 🙂 Check Slack channel ao_Nirvana for details!