Strongest Pax 3.0
AO: The Wreck
When: 08/18/2021
QIC: Bear
PAX (15): Aflac, Echo, Caffeine, Foley, Scratch Off, Choo Choo, Ikea, Backside, Norm, Donor, Sellout, Ozzie, Vanilla, Squeak, Bear
It was time for me to hand off the strongest pax trophy!
Mosey to parking lot by football turf fields…SSH, Mtn Climbers, Plank jacks, arm circles, michael phelps arm slaps.
The Thang:
Get lifting coupon. Start at far end of parking lot by rock garden…25 curls.
Run to stop sign which leads to trail going up hill. 25 jump squats.
run to top of trail parking lot. 20 burpees.
Run around back to stop sign going by gymnastics building – 25 merkins.
Back to start end of parking lot. 25 shoulder press.
first one to complete 5 rounds is strongest pax….echo and aflac completed 4. ECHO was the strongest PAX!!
Grateful for this crew of men who keep me motivated physically, emotionally, spiritually.