Old School Hill Humpin’
AO: The Hooch
When: 08/16/2021
QIC: BallBoy
PAX (17): Zohan Wingnut Stickers Meatball ReadyMix Boomer Feathers Scrooge Sunshine Maguire Sonic Hot Chicken Dinghy Doughboy Puff Daddy McKracken
Being a traditionalist, YHC felt it was a time to bring back some oldies. Plus, with IronPax looming it is time to get put our Merkin conditioning into high gear.
2 PAX set their alarms early and got in a pre-run. The latecomers rolled in and we were off…
Disclaimer given, the PAX followed YHC as we moseyed to the “Bakery for Late Sleepers” (which we may never enjoy since they don’t open until 10am) for some warm-up:
Imperial Walkers
The Thang:
We then continued the mosey over to Monkey Humper Hill by the church with a few stops for, you guessed it, Monkey Humpers as we picked up the Six.
Once in position, the PAX partnered up. P1 performed AMRAP of the exercise while P2 Bernied up the hill and moseyed back along the path. Exercises were:
Balls to the Wall
Squat Jacks
Now fully warmed up in YHC’s estimation we headed back up to the parking lot and got ready for an elongated Four Corners with descending reps at each corner, starting at 21.
- 21 Merkins
- 20 Squats
- 19 4-count Freddy Mercs
- 18 Bonnie Blairs
Repeat, and keep reducing by 1 rep
With 10 minutes or so remaining, we began the mosey back to the starting point. A few stops for Monkey Humpers, Merkins, and Lunges allowed us to pick up the Six before the last Thang…
PAX lined up on the first parking lot line and Bear Crawled to the next line, executing 5 Merkins upon arrival. As a reward, they got to Bear Crawl to the next line and enjoy 5 more Merkins. The fun and revelry continued until all PAX arrived at the curb on the other side. Some PAX opted for the enjoyment of Lunges in place of Bear Crawls, but either way it was 125 Meters of bliss judging by their faces.
Back at the flag, we finished up with Flutter Kicks and LBCs until time was called
Prayers for Wingnut’s upcoming move to the lake and praise for Dinghy’s coworker Gary and his improving condition. Also a callout to the PAX to attend the Darth Visor memorial CSAUP at Fowler Park this Saturday.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
Honored to lead and proud to sweat with you guys, as ever.