Water Aerobics with BallBoy
AO: Bushwood
When: 08/06/2021
QIC: BallBoy
PAX (8): Julius, Maguire, Dinghy, Jocko, Popper, Flo, Angus
3 PAX got up a bit earlier for a pre-beatdown mosey and 8 PAX was good turnout for the last Bushwood before school starts up again.
To get going, we moseyed halfway up the famed Medlock Bridge hill and back to the parking lot for:
Mountain Climbers
Then a mosey to the basketball court for a quick land-thang…
The Thang:
We started out with two rounds of 11s (and some classic rock tunes) to get the muscles going:
First: Dips and Step Ups
Second: Merkins and Jump Squats
Jump squats turned in to Squat Jacks as YHC was accused of stating the wrong exercise. I firmly denied as usual, my wife can attest, even though I can’t even remember what I said… normal day.
Our 15 minutes on land almost used up, YHC brought back a classic that hasn’t been seen in a while (not sure why). PAX performed flawless Burpee Broad-Jumps down the basketball court and back. There was some groaning and gnashing of teeth. Then off to the pool to cool down…
The PAX got their shoulders warmed up with a 100 yd freestyle. We then partnered up for the next item on the agenda:
Partner 1 – Water-logged tuck jumps while…
Partner 2 – Swims across pool
Partner 2 – Water-logged tuck jumps while…
Partner 1 – Swims to meet P2
4 lengths were directed but the PAX were in a groove so we went with 5. Now off to the races!
Partners stayed together as 2-man freestyle relay teams and we went single elimination style. Here were the results:
Maguire/Angus (L) vs. Dinghy/Jocko (W) – Maguire built a 2-length lead on Dinghy but Jocko’s anchor leg proved too much for the old guys
Julius/BallBoy (W) vs. Popper/Flo (L) – The home team couldn’t pull out a victory as Julius built a lead that YHC did not relinquish
Dinghy/Jocko (W) vs. Julius/BallBoy (W) – Jocko took the first leg and as expected from the swim professional, built a substantial lead. YHC felt the cameras on me as I tried to make up ground on the anchor leg. However, Dinghy’s steady pace brought him to the wall to out-touch the Q by 0.58 seconds, officially.
The winning team got to laugh at the rest of the PAX who got 10 burpees for their losing efforts. Swim caps back on, we circled up in the pool for our water aerobics…
20 Alpha Hammer Swing Lunge-type Things, in cadence
15 Alpha High Knees, in cadence
We finished with a new item, the Indian Swim. In a circular fashion, the PAX slowly traversed the perimeter of the pool while the 6 freestyle sprinted to the front. Repeated for 2 full rounds before realizing we were over time so YHC finally called it off
Prayers for injuries and health conditions for several friends and family as well as impending business decisions. Prayers for household peace during visits by certain relatives as well.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
As always, Bushwood has been a great Summer option on Fridays, especially with some of the 2.0s joining us. Thanks again to our Medlock Bridge PAX for showing up to unlock the pool and oftentimes taking the Q.
Great write up Ball Boy!