Lazy DORAs steps and Escalation
AO: Dawson
When: 07/17/2021
QIC: Script kiddie
PAX (4): Script kiddie, Snowden, Lightweight, Trojan
Pre-ruck was a party of one, so I was solo, but that gave me a bit more time to finalize the plan for the beatdown.
Lightweight, Snowden and Trojan roled in and we did a but of mumblechatter then it was time to mosey
Gathered up at the normal spot
Disclaimer was given, then the warm ups were begun.
SSH, the standard first warmup exercise of F3
Copperhead squats
Time to move to the Thangs, let the games begin
The Thang:
Lazy DORAs with a run to break up the fun
100 Merkins P1 did 10 merkins while P2 held plank switch till you get 100 merkins
Take full lap around walking trail
200 LBCs P1 did 20 LBCs while P2 holds legs 6″ above ground switch till you get to 200 LBCs
Take full lap around walking trail
300 Squats P1 does 25 squats while P2 does squat holds switch till you hit 300
Take full lap around walking trail
During one of the moseys someone mentioned, they had jelly legs , and this was just Thang1 so I know this was going to be a great BD, on to Thang2
Next up was 11s on the steps,
start with 1 WW2 setups head up the stairs then 5 Carolina dry docks as tolls at the landing half way up the stairs then 10 jump squats at the top back down and another 5 Carolina dry docks on the way down
2 WW2 setups pay the toll and 9 jump squats, paying the tolls as we went, till the 11s were done, and then on to the 3rd Thang
After a short mosey back to where we did the Lazy DORAs it was time for Escalation
This one I had not used in a while but I thought it would be fun to let the PAX pick there poison aka pick the exercises, first PAX picks an exercise you do 3 of them and then run once back second PAX pick another exercise and then you do 3 of the first exercise, 6 of the second, then run, next PAX picks another exercises and you do 9, 3 of first 6 of second, 9 of third then run and keep going till everyone has picked an exercises, adding 3 reps each time
Lightweight chose wisely and picked burpees knowing I was going to if they were not picked earlier, good call, ran the short lap around the walking trail
Trojan picked American Hammers (Alpha count) so 3 burpees, 6American hammers(alpha count) then a run
SK picked V-up/Y-up so 3 burpees, 6 American Hammers, & 9 V-up/Y-Ups then a run
Snowden wanted us to end with a bang, so he picked gorilla humpers, that was a new one for me, but it is monkey humpers with your legs spread wider, adding to the “fun” so 3 burpees, 6 American Hammers, 9 V-up/Y-Ups, & 12 gorilla humpers, still time for Mary soooo
Round O Mary
Lightweight called out leg raises
Snowden called out flutter kicks
During Mary we had an ambulance roll by to check on us, asked if we had shortness of breathe, fatigue.. pretty much told them all of the above, (OK it was just a chance encounter but still pretty fun that the rolled by right at the end of the BD).
At this point we were done, and on to COT
Count 4 PAX
No 6th man today, since there was only 4 of us
Acceleration point
I shared how fear of failure can so many times lead to our failure and sometimes when you decided to hesitate and make no decision, it makes things worse and ultimately no decision is the decision you make, so when you face something weigh the options and make a call, I quoted the saying, “If you are going through hell, just keep going, don’t stop”
Prayer requests
For Skynard and his nerve/leg issues
Trojan and his wife as she recovers from surgery
The 2 convergence coming up
July 31st F3/FIA/2.0 Convergence
August 21st, Darth Visor tribute CSAUP event
Firehouse and Starting line shirts are now in pre-order so check out the F3 Mudgear page to check them out, they will be available till around July 28th
End with Ball of men and prayer
Naked-Man Moleskin:
We took the pic and then Lightweight had to go
Coffeetria was up next and we just hung out and talked about what everyone was doing and family stuff.
Great job HIM and I have really been enjoying finding new areas if the AO to check out and include in the BDs, we still have not hit the bleachers yet, which may be part of my next BD, time will tell.
Hope everyone has a great week and hope to see some new and old faces at Starting line as we work on building/improving this AO