Happy 70th Dad Coady…
AO: Windjammer
When: 07/16/2021
QIC: Brutus
PAX (8): UGA Cookie Feathers Cox Proton Dr. Rico Cart Path
Humid, but an overall a nice dry sunny day for a summer morning Beatdown. My father recently celebrated his 7th b-day so I chose to honor him with a beatdown!
Lakefront Warm-O-Rama
-Weed Picker
-Imperial Walker
-Arm and Neck Roles
The Thang:
Moseyed to Windward Sportspark for the #70 themed beatdown.
1.)Balls to Wall – 70 seconds
2.)Group Pull Up Challenge -70 total
3.)Grabbed coupons and hit the sports field and split into teams of 2 for 2 waves of 70 themed excercises. While one team member ran the across and back the sports field (approx 70m) the other did the exercised until they reached a combined 70×2=140
Wave 1:
-Squat with coupo
Wave 2:
-Curls with coupons
-FLutter Kicks
-Calf Raises
Quick Moseyed back to the lakefront with some Mary from Cookie, Proton and Feathers – Feathers called out something very tough that I had not heard of and dont remember the name
Headed back to the flag for what the group thought was the end of a burpee-free beatdown. NOT SO FAST MY FRIENDS….finished with circle burp – about 17 burpees each.
Welcome to Proton from Knoxville and good luck to his son’s baseball team in the tourney.
Join Feathers at Widowmaker tomorrow.
Combined FIA, F3, 2.0 beatdown on 7-31. Start slowly changing your kids clocks now so they wont realize they are getting up at 6am on a summer Saturday.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
Honor to Q and especially an honor to dedicate the beatdown to my FAther who has meant so much to me. Didnt think he would make it to 70, but he is doing well! I have told him about F3 and I know it makes him proud that I am part of it!