Rain Rain Go Away
AO: The Storm
When: 04/24/2021
QIC: Ace Ventura
PAX (4): Ace Ventura Crab Cake Inseam Snowman
Ace Ventura showed up for pre-ruck early, shortly followed by Crab Cake. There was a light drizzle, so they did a 30 minute ruck around the AO. At the thirty minute point, Inseam arrived and was added to the ruck.
After Snowman arrived, the PAX rucked up the parking structure, as rain was starting to get heavy. During warm-up, PAX conducted the following:
Side-Straddle Hops
Weed Pickers
Sun Gods
The Thang:
PAX started by rucking up the structure, doing rifle carries and curls as they went uphill.
First half of The Thang was classic beatdown style. PAX conducted an aggressive Mosey around the parking level. Upon return to starting point, each PAX would choose an exercise to do with their ruck sacks (Snowman modifying as necessary since he is unable to put pressure on his foot).
First round:
Merkins (Ace Ventura)
Squats (Crab Cake)
American Hammers (Snowman)
Big Boy Crunches (Inseam)
Second Round:
Carolina Dry Docks (Ace Ventura)
J-Los (Snowman)
Willie Mays Hayes (Crab Cake)
At this point, Inseam hijacked the beatdown by choosing suicides with a power cleaning lift at each stop.
At the end of sucides, Crab Cake had 2.0 duties to attend to so he departed.
For the 2nd half of beatdown, PAX did a well paced ruck up and down the structure, and had a deep conversation about how F3 has affected their lives in an extremely positive manner. For Snowman, he talked about how it saved his life after the tragic loss of a sibling. For Inseam, he discussed how it made him a better person overall. For Ace Ventura, it has helped him develop a larger social circle and get more active in prayer time with his M.
During COT, Snowman asked for prayers for a family friend passing recently. Ace Ventura offered prayers for Inseam’s family, who is struggling with loss of M’s grandmother. PAX had a moment discussing the nature of losing someone and how tough it can be, especially during the funeral itself.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
PAX met for coffee at the normal coffee spot. Primarily discussed was the upcoming changes at the local AOs in regards to site Q’s. Also, PAX had deep conversation about relationships with their Ms and how to improve said relationships… (Ok… may have been a gripe session).