Pass the Ball
AO: Firehouse
When: 04/06/2021
QIC: Lightweight
PAX (7): Lightweight, Lifelock, Pebble, Zuckerberg, Script Kiddie, Suarez, and Dunshire
With spring break in the air we still had 7 peeps show with 3 of them being teens and still getting out of bed on a non school day to better themselves.
The weather turned out great and helped setoff the morning.
Moseyed to the spot and started the Warm ups
Weed pickers
Sun Gods
And Reverse Sun Gods
We picked up some coupons and Mosey to the field
The Thang:
We lined up at the bottom of the football field and everyone had their coupon that they felt was right for them. 1 person had a 15lb medicine ball and that person is who started the game
Person with ball runs to middle of field and does the number listed below while the others start doing the the work out of the person with the ball and keeps doing it until he comes back and gives the ball to the next person. One thing I did not think of was that the person with the ball would not have their own coupon and that turned into a plus or negative for some because the rocks ranged from softball size to boulder, some did change up coupons to fit their abilities.
- 15 Squats with Coupon
- 10 WW1 Sit-ups with coupon
- 20 American Hammers with coupon
- 20 scissors per leg with coupon
- Everyone run to middle of field with coupon and do 10 Burpees, run back and do 10 Merkins
- 10 LBC with coupons
- 10 Reverse splits with raised coupon
- Raised leg hold while doing 20 bench press coupons
- 20 Skull Crushers
- Everyone run to middle of field with coupon and do 10 Burpees, run back and do 10 Merkins
No time for round O’Mary.
Nameorama and the honor of the 6th man fell to Suarez, thanks for sharing.
The MoC was given by Script Kiddie, thsnks and great job