Get That Beach Body Ready
AO: The Gladiator
When: 04/06/2021
QIC: Tebow
PAX (13): Bo Knows, Shiner, Wickawicka, Speedo, Cheneral, Tar Heel, Brownie, Delicious, Bunyan, Animal, Zohan, Zuul
After comitting some misdameanor trespass on the pre-run, YHC and Animal approached the flags and were pleasantly surprised by the large gathering despite spring break. No one was arrested, so that’s good!
Seeing no FNGs a quick disclaimer was given and we hesitated just a touch to let Bo Knows find a parking spot.
15 SSH IC, 11 Weedpickers IC, some amount of Moroccan Night Clubs.
The Thang:
The theme today was to get that beach body ready for spring break, ignore the lower body at all costs!
The PAX selected a solid 2 handed coupon and YHC even shared what exercises we would be doing so nobody would be afraid to challenge themselves.
Curls, sets up 25 then run to the first street light. AMRAP for 5 minutes.
Tricep extensions, sets of 20, run to 1st light. AMRAP for 5 minutes
Upright rows, sets of 20, run to 1st light. AMRAP for 5 minutes.
At this point the PAX were begging for some leg exercises… sorry, no can do.
Return coupon.
For a change of scenery, we moseyed to the shelter by the splash pad.
Dips, sets of 30, run to rec center, which was too far, not enough reps! Shortened the run to just the curb. AMRAP fror 5 minutes.
Merkins, sets of 10, run to curb, AMRAP for 5 minutes.
For future reference, merkins immeidately after the dips was a bad choice.
Closed it out with Captain Thor, gotta get those abs looking good for all of the Ms at the beach! The PAX dominated this! A short mosey back to the flag where we closed it out by taking the Captain Thor all the way to 11.
Prayers for Stroller’s family and Wickawicka’s friend. Safe travels to all out of town and leaving town this week.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
Thanks for letting me lead, always an honor and I love you guys.
Welcome back to Wickawicka, it was great to see you again.