Lazy Dora with a burpee twist
AO: Firehouse
When: 03/30/2021
QIC: Script kiddie
PAX (8): Ace Ventura, Script Kiddie, Dunshire, Buckeye, Lightwieght, Lifelock, Zuckerberg(FNG), Suarez
As I got to Firehouse to open the gates, I found that Ace Ventura had cracked to code and bet me to the location, that then followed with all the other HIM flowing in except for one, who tired to over sleep but thanks to Buckeye, the last HIM was able to bet the fartsac and make it to the BeatDown maybe a bit late but props to him for getting up and heading to the AO.
We also had an FNG, join the mix, one of Lifelocks friends, and I was almost rethinking what I had planned for the PAX, this morning, key word there is almost. with a quick round of morning chatter and a glance at my watch it was time to mosey to the spot and start the festivities of the morning.
Moseyed to the spot and started the Warm ups
Weed pickers
And finishing up with some windmills to get the blood flowing and then Mosey to the field
The Thang:
We moseyed to the regular field and it looked like we had a small tornado hit the field with nets positioned all over the place, so a quick adjustment to the adjacent field helped the PAX have a minute or 2 of rest before the fun began, and thanks to Ace for supplying the tunes.
Thang one
All but one of the PAX had not had the umm, pleasure of doing a round of Lazy Doras, so it was time to introduce them and add my own twist to the mix,
Lazy Dora
100 Merkins
P1 10 Merkins
P2 planks
Switch till you reach 100 each PAX did 50 merkins
Here is the Script kiddie twist
Mosey to midfield 10 Burpees
Back to the start and on the next exercice
200 LBCs
P1 20 LBC
P2 hold legs 6″ above ground
Switch till 200, each PAX does 100 LBCs
Mosey to midfield do 10 Burpees
Back to start and on the next exercise
300 squats
P1 25 squats
P2 squat hold
Switch till 300 each PAX does 150 each
Mosey to midfield do 10 Burpees
Back to start
Thang 2
Randorama time
10 hand released merkin
10 2 count mountain climbers
10 WWII setups
10 4 count squats 3rd count quarter squat with jump
Run to other side of the field 10 Burpees run back.
At that point there was an ask for a standing 10 count and then time to head to the flag pole for a round O’Mary, I figured it was time for them to pick the next exercises so…
Lightweight – Dying cockroach
Lifelock – American hammer
Zuckerberg – squats
Buckeye – Freddie Mercury
Ace Ventura – WW II setups
Dunshire – Imperial walkers
Suarez – Windshield wipers
Script Kiddie – Mickey Mouse Merkins(only 5 of them, Dunshire & Lifelock wanted to make sure we ended on time, I think they were adequately toasted)
Well done all, this was a Q Reuben would be proud of, for sure.
Time for the count 8 HIM, not bad since there was a mini convergence at the Norseman AO, thankful for each of them that made it to Firehouse.
Nameorama and the honor of the 6th man fell to Dunshire, thanks for sharing.
The MoC was given by lightweight, thsnks and great job
The MOC was encouragement to focus on what we can change/do and not to focus on the change/issue that might feel like a step in the wrong direction. Any trial , struggle, or hardship in your life with work, home, school, or personal can be overcome but you will need to focus on the positive parts of that change and use that to propel you into a better situation and to keep the negative thoughts away that hold us back from achieving a better outcome.
Then it was time to name the FNG, a few ideas were given but Dunshire called out Zuckerberg, and that was the winner, for the name so, welcome Zuckerberg to F3.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
Dunshire aka barista bro supplied the coffee, thanks again for the caffeination recharge! We hung out and talked for a bit then some of the PAX had to be off to start the day Dunshire, Ace, Suarez and SK hung out a bit longer and talked about Firehouse and plans for the future, then it was time for the post beatdown run for Ace and SK, managed to get 2 miles in then it was time to start the day.
I am proud of each of these HIM that are committed to not just showing up for the exercises but are truly wanting to accelerate in all areas to be the best leader they can be and use their talents to help the people around them improve as well.