Not Murdered by the Roman Senate
AO: The Rubicon
When: 03/16/2021
QIC: FannyPack
PAX (19): Hanson, Cartpath, Sleepless, StiffArm, Dakked, Updike, Cookie, Dosido, MillerTime, Lumberg, Special K, Stiffler, Pinkey, Pitstop, Lefty, Trebek, Devito, Danica, FannyPack
Rubicon survivors of the Ides of March defeated the gloom with a ‘Still Alive’ themed Musical Dora. YHC dusted off a few neglected exercises from the Exicon. We went a minute over time and, perhaps most tragically, still left Gloria Gaynor on the cutting room floor. Emotionally prepared to execute in a deluge but the rain held off.
Mosey to nearby parking lot for:
Arm Circles & COVIDs
The Thang:
Picked up medium coupons from the ditch, then headed to FOD for a ‘Still Alive’ Musical Dora. Partner up, one PAX performs exercise while the other runs to the field flag & performs a burpee. Theme was a bit dark (grateful to have not been murdered by the Roman Senate) but the music was upbeat & covered the past 5 decades. Notably absent from the playlist was Destiny’s Child “Survivor”. YHC had to make cuts.
- I Will Survive- Cake- 4:07- Crab CAKES
One of the best covers of any song ever. Makes YHC misty.
- True Survivor- David Hasselhoff- 4:03- Coupon OH Press
A recent youtube find & needed to be included for many obvious reasons, though the artist was likely unknown to most this morning. https://youtu.be/ZTidn2dBYbY
- Eye of the Tiger- Survivor- 4:05- Coupon AMERICAN Hammer
Sparked controversy over which and how many Rocky movies featured this hit. Unfortunately, there’s no way we’ll ever find out the right answer.
- Don’t Stop Believin’- Journey- 4:11 – Coupon Lunges
‘Don’t Stop Believin’’ doesn’t actually contain the words “alive” or “survivor”- shameless breach of theming.
- Stayin’ Alive- BeeGees- 4:10 – TRAVOLTA Merkins
Travolta Merkins were a hit & may make a repeat appearance; really worked with the beat. From the Exicon for those who missed: “Picture Saturday Night Fever while doing Merkins. Start in plank. First move is a Merkin. 2nd move is right arm high. 3rd move is to reach under and across your body as far as you can. 4th move is to reach high again. 5th move is back to the Merkin. Flapjack with the left and then flapjack until you’re sick of singing “staying alive, staying alive””.
- Keep Yourself Alive- Queen- 4:00 – Freddy Mercury’s
Standard issue ab burner. Nothing too clever here.
- Only the Strong Survive- REO Speedwagon- 3:56 – Skull Crushers
One of those songs & bands my generation has probably heard & liked, but is not too familiar with. An unnamed but ‘respected’ PAX who is also a game show host got it right away.
- Flesh and Bone- The Killers- 4:00 – Imperial Squat Walkers
Try not to get pumped with this combo of awkward movements & lyrics like ‘your face flashing crimson with the fires of hell… what are you afraid of?… And what are you made of?”
- I Will Survive- Gloria Gaynor- 4:57 – Coupon Curls
My apologies to Gloria for dropping the last track- no disrespect intended, it would have been the perfect bookend AND her vocals would’ve inspired curlies for them girlies. C’est la vie.
YHC reminded PAX about Red Cross Blood drive, MillerTime plugged Hill seekers, Pitstop plugged NLB. Closed with a prayer of gratitude for the community of men who put in the effort to become better men, husbands, fathers, and leaders.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
Headed out, then went back to FOD to pick up trash YHC had accidentally left behind. 😐