AO: The Storm
When: 03/13/2021
QIC: Ace Ventura
PAX (10): Ace Ventura Schneider Swiper Crab Cake (pre ruck only) Suarez Deuce Mad Dog Snowman FNG Ralphie (now known as Pink Nightmare) Dunshire
Pre ruck had 8 PAX. Pre-ruck lasted 45 minutes, ranging approximately 2.75 miles.
No official Warm-O-Rama, but PAX did talk and stretch out on their own prior to beginning of ruck session.
The Thang:
PAX rucked for one hour landing at 3.13 miles.
During rucking, there was significant 2nd F occurring. PAX discussed the GoRuck Star course from previous week (Swiper is the only PAX who attended who has returned to ruck). Younger PAX were teaching older PAX how podcasting works and the value of listening to the F3 podcasts. This lead to discussion of how wonderful F3 has been in each PAX life and provided a value well beyond their expectations when joining. PAX also discussed their worry about hearing some AOs out there doing a “renaming” of an F3 member, and hoping this never happens to them.
During COT, Deuce had been asked by Sculley (not present) to mention giving blood at F3 Freed to Bleed blood drive, which is an organization F3 is supportive of.
No specific prayer requests were given.
Ace Ventura led prayer, giving thanks to our creator that we were able to meet together to better mind, body, and soul, praying for all those affected by COVID19 in some fashion, and praying for all sad clowns to find what they need to escape their unhappy situations.
After prayers, it was time to name a new FNG!
PAX questioned FNG for several minutes about his career (pilot), family, and other circumstances. Two PAX (Ace Ventura and Mad Dog) have known PAX since childhood (Mad Dog being FNG’s cousin), so they had some insight. Names like Hackett (from Wings show about pilots), Sully, and Goose were suggested.
Ace Ventura knows FNG was named Ralphie, so suggested Bunny, from the beloved Christmas Story character who wore pajamas like a bunny. Suarez then recalled a specific line from the movie, and suggested Pink Nightmare. At this point, the name stuck and all PAX celebrated their proficiency at naming the FNG (and some stating it might be the best name they’ve seen picked in their experience with F3).
Naked-Man Moleskin:
PAX met for coffee after COT. Coffee was mainly listening to piloting stories, including stories of potential engine failure from Pink Nightmare, as well as technical issues getting Pink Nightmare into the Slack channel (which has still not been resolved). There was also commentary about the St. Patrick’s Day beer run occurring around the AO.