AO: The Wreck
When: 02/19/2021
QIC: Juul
PAX (13): Switch, meltdown, sell-out, squeegee, donor, scratch off, doogie, bear, tubbs, cutie, aflac, BAM
Trash talk was was had the night before on slack led by YHC. All in good jest, but hey, it worked. 2 of the targets showed up.
Mosey over to the playground:
- SSH x15
- Hillbillies x10
- Windmills x10
Plank on the sidewalk for a quick round of Morning Call – 2 outside PAX do 5 pullups while the rest do 5 merkins, hold plank, and rinse/repeat down the line until all PAX have done pullups.
The Thang:
Mosey over to the stadium seating for a round of 11’s:
- Dips at the bottom
- Hop up the stadium steps
- Calf raises at the top
- Air chair for the 6
Mosey from there over to the pond/pavilion. Pick a medium to large coupon. Partner up. One partner runs the pond loop while the other does the workout. Rinse/repeat until all PAX have done the workout:
- Curls
- Kettle bell swings
- Romanian deadlifts
- Squat with an overhead swirl
Mosey back to the flag for time
Shoutout to Bear (and his M) for progress being made on adopting a child from China. It takes a special man to feel this calling so lots of respect for you and your family Bear!
I challenged the group to think about community service. This year is going to be tough. A lot of this stuff is going to drag on while most people are wanting it to just be behind them. Lets look for a way for us as F3 to volunteer, even if it is a replacement of a BD. I have a few places we are investigating via my mens group so will share with this group if we find places we can help out. Sellout mentioned looking into a river clean up that is coming up in April.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
Lots of mumblechatter about the Romanian dead lifts – “Nope, I’m not doing that”, “I always pull a hammy”, “Ugh”, “Can I just do squats” – the sounds of sweet success when you are the Q