Chinese New Year, or Snake Mating Season
AO: The Bridge
When: 02/12/2021
QIC: Zohan
PAX (11): Puff Daddy, Dough Boy, Feathers, Maguire, Dinghy, Birdie, Animal, Popper, Meatball, Wingnut, Zohan
I took the Q from Speedo who had a change of schedule and looked for some inspiration. Google told me it’s the Chinese New Year, so I thought to dedicate an exercise for each of the 12 animals. That led YHC to search through the Exicon for animal references and, when that wasn’t enough, exercise creative freedom.
Since my only experience with this holiday is watching the first episode of Bling Empire on Netflix, I just hope I haven’t offended anyone.
A pre-blast was given on Slack to bring Cinders.
Mosey in the parking lot. Some side shuffles [Horse], high knees and ass kickers.
Circled up for a different kind of warm up with 10 IC Good Mornings [Rooster], 20 IC One-legged straddle hops [Tiger] each leg and 10 Weed Pickers.
The Thang:
We started with The Welsh Dragon Walk [Dragon]. That’s OYO workout.
4 bear crawl steps, 1 Merkin, 1 Plank Jack and 1 Peter Parker (alpha count).
4 bear crawl steps, 2 Merkin, 2 Plank Jack and 2 Peter Parker (alpha count).
4 bear crawl steps, 10 Merkin, 10 Plank Jack and 10 Peter Parker (alpha count).
To give our arms a bit of rest, the next exercise was the Monkey Humpers [Monkey]. 100 OYO. Every time you let go of your ankles do 10 BBSU. Some PAX pushed themselves to do the whole 100 non-stop but YHC notified them that if they finished and let go of their ankles they still need to do the BBSUs. Revenge was promised coming Monday morning.
Next was a Black Snake [Snake] – Like an Indian Run, but the PAX at the back needs to weave his way between the runners to the front. We run till every PAX did it twice, which was quite a lot of running.
YHC felt this year is going too fast and called out another snake version – the Bear Crawl Snake. Well, a modified version of it compared to the Exicon. The PAX planked and the one at the back needs to weave through everyone doing Bear Crawls. After a moment or two where PAX finally decided to plank shoulder to shoulder we begun. The first few PAX decided to do a “straight snake” and just bear crawl to the front of the line. YHC had to give a good example and weaved through, so the rest of the PAX did too.
The last two men, I believe Feathers and Dough Boy, almost run their bear crawl, at doing so at the same time but in different directions. The result, as someone shouted, is that it looked like Snakes’ mating season.
We moseyed to the cinders that were patiently waiting for us. The next thang we did was a combination of exercises, done OYO. 3 Sets.
The PAX push their cinder on the road [Ox] a certain distance. 10 Goat Merkins [Goat], which are done as 1 Merkin and 1 two-legged kick backwards (like donkey kicks but in the air). Murder Bunnies [Rabbit] back. On the low wall, 10 Box Jumps [Rat]. That’s 1 set.
At the end of the third set YHC got up from the murder bunnies just to find out his cinder did not make it and broke down. Some PAX did LBCs and Gas Pumpers for the six, which was me.
Next on the list – The Fire Hydrant [Dog], 20 IC.
YHC realized we’ve already done 11 of the 12 animals and about 9 minutes to spare, so called for a moseyed and we run a nice round in the parking lot.
A assortment of abs to strengthen our bacon [Pig] – LBCs, T-Bombs, Flatter Kicks.
1 Burpee just because.
Dinghy asked for prayers for Erika’s dad who’s fighting cancer, and Animal said Eric, a coworker, lost his dad suddenly for reasons yet unknown.
Reminder about Widowmaker and NLB tomorrow.