Whole Lotta Mercans at the Creek
AO: Big Creek
When: 02/10/2021
QIC: Swiper
PAX (7): Inseam, Mr. Hand, Crab Cake, Snowman, Schneider, Deuce, Swiper
43 degrees and light wind felt like Spring Break in the gloom this am. Late substitution at the Q as our brother, McDuff, suffered an infection from a fire pit incident so YHC jumped in to cover for him as others had done the same for me when I was unable to hold a couple of Q’s in late Jan. That’s how we roll so let’s get on with it!
Mosey around the flag parking lot and back to the SW corner for warm-ups:
All IC:
Weed Pickers
Willie Mays Hayes
Good Mornings
The Thang:
Short shuffle to the starting point of the days first activity, the long adu Mercan Mile(ish):
Head across the length of the parking lot and right down the road and then straight up Mt. Culiminjaro to the upper parking lot, turn right and finish at the upper rest stop. Oh, and I forgot to mention…stop at each light post and do 10 mercans. Total of 12 posts = 120 mercans all in.
Next, partner up for some BOMBS out the back side:
Partner A runs 2 section lengths of the parking lot, while partner B works on:
50 burpees
100 Overhead Claps
150 Mercans (crap, more mercans…really?)
200 Big Boi sit ups
250 squats
Great work by the PAX. This routine really chews up the clock, so we moseyed down the hill to the lower rest stop for a quick 60-second peoples chair @ 90 degrees.
Mosey back to the long parking lot and finish with a 100 yard sprint back to the flag.
- Strong month coming up in March with GoRuck Star Course on 3/6 and the Thundermeat Hillseeker Challenge the weekend of 3/19 – 3/21. Teams formed/forming for both events so just let us know if you want in and we’ll make sure there is a spot for you
- Prayers for 2.0’s dealing with COVID stress in the school environment
- Prayers for PAX traveling over the holiday weekend
- Prayers for McDuff recovering from burn injury
- Prayers for Dumpster’s family battling through bouts of COVID
Naked-Man Moleskin:
Props to Inseam for grabbing the torch on the Wednesday post beat down TNTs. It has truly been a great addition to the morning and provides great opportunities for extended fellowship and offers the opportunity to share areas of your life where you need support.
Today’s message was centered around taking a firm approach when someone close to you is struggling and you see that change or help is needed. Too often we sit back with a passive approach or mildly offer suggestions but sometimes you need to charge in and let people know that you are there to help and aren’t leaving until some action is taken, no matter how mad someone may get. The HBO Max special, “Tiger” tells the story of Tiger Woods, a premier athlete with global recognition, who didn’t have a single person around him who was willing to stand up and demand that he alter his destructive behavior patterns. A HIM does not take a passive approach to anything, and certainly not his closest personal relationships.