Q School Pop Quiz
AO: The Widowmaker
When: 01/30/2021
QIC: Zohan
PAX (17): Funyon, Youtube, NRA, Delta, TMI, Lumberg, Speedo, Pumba, Dosido, Flo, Boomer, Birdie, Miller Time, Meatballs, Skeepe, Cox, Zohan
6 men showed up early for the Pre Ruck, when Dosido made a last moment entrance with his new wheels, making it 7 strong and definitely a new topic for discussion.
A parking lot filled with PAX awaited the ruckers, which is always a great sight!
Moseyed around the parking lot and back to the soccer field where we circled up.
YHC called upon some of the newer PAX, who haven’t Qed yet, to each lead a warmup exercise – SSH, Imperial Walkers, Weed Pickers and Copper Head Squats. Some fumbled through, some did better. All that matters is that they get a chance to lead because this is what F3 is all about. Even if the first time sucked, there’s always the 2nd, 3rd and 100th. We are not born leaders (even if some make it look as if they did) and what we need is practice.
YHC finished the WOR with some Bat Wings – 20 ICs of each forward arm circles, backwards, overhead claps and seal claps. Arms do not come down to rest in between.
The Thang:
Today’s plan was a string of pearls.
Part 1 – we moseyed to the bridge (took the long way through the parking lot) and partnered up. One partner runs down to the bench and back, while the other stays to do AMRAP of the exercise, then switch. First round BBSU, 2nd round Bonnie Blairs and 3rd round Hill Billies.
YHC always forgets how far that bench really is, especially for an uphill run back. That made the middle round of Bonnie Blairs especially tough.
We did some Monkey Humpers and LBCs for the 6, then moseyed to the top of the Widow Maker.
Part 2 – Staying at the top we planked. At the end of each exercise we Low Planked. Exercises included 10 IC Merkins, 10 single Diamond Merkins, 10 single Wide Merkins, 20 IC Mountain Climbers and 20 IC Plank Jacks.
During the low planks YHC quizzed about the 5 core principles and we clarified WHY we have them.
1st and 2nd (free and for all) are to remove boundaries, 3rd for resiliency, 4th for leadership and 5th to integrate 2nd and 3rd Fs.
Part 3 – Indian run toward the low parking lot next to the Tennis fields. OYO 10 Box Jumps, 20 Lunges each leg, 30 Bobby Hurley. 2 Sets.
After the 2nd set YHC led some Alternating Shoulder Taps and Stagger Merkins, when he heard a lot of mumble chatter and realized some PAX that were a bit farther to the side were having way too much fun. Indeed some of them already started a 3rd un-asked-for round. YHC brought them back and we did a few Turkish Get Ups.
Mary – We moseyed back to the flag for some Mary that included American Hammers, Flatter Kicks, Peter Parkers and Rosalita. We finished of with a quick 5 OYO Burpees, just because.
Prayers of healing for Feathers.
We talked about the recent Shrinkage race and the impact on the NLB men.
Reminder of next week’s Ha-Ha’s Barkley Race.
A great 3rd F at the coffeeteria afterwards.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
You never know when you’ll be asked to lead. You never know when you will need to step up and lead, even if no one is asking you to. So be prepared. You’ll find out that being prepared to lead opens up opportunities you never saw before – at work, at home, with friends, at life.
If you’ve never done it before, it may feel scary. It SHOULD feel scary. This isn’t your brain telling you that you shouldn’t do it. That’s your brain telling you that you’re not there YET. That’s your que to start practicing.