Getting Justice
AO: Hall of Justice
When: 01/04/2021
QIC: Val
PAX (22): MC, Cookie, Flo, Sleepless, Stiff Arm, Simba, Longhaul, Spruce Top, Birdie, Gilligan, YouTube, Nomad, Homer, Lector, Radar, PVC, ReadyMix, Saint2O, Speedo, Animal, Stroller, PuffDaddy, Val
In the gloom of the city of Suwanee, 22 PAX gathered at the launch of Hall of Justice to get Justice on their Sad Clown former-selves. A brand new shovel-flag was present, created by Homer. Their journey would be difficult and trying, but nothing less would be expected in the shadows of City Hall. Finding a group of Yoginis on the stage where YHC and 21 other PAX were to gather, the group mozied over to the monument to begin the Warm-O-Rama.
20 – Weed Pickers (4 count ic)
20 – Blarts (4 count ic): Arm Chair Position – Left, Front, Right, Back
20 – Toe Touch Squats (4 count ic alternating): Arm above head, kick leg out to side and touch toe, go into squat
20 – Daniel-Sons (ic alternating): Karate Kid Crane Kick
The Thang:
Aiken Legs. OYO 20 squats, 20 Star Jacks, 20 Lunges single count and 20 Bonnie Blairs single count. Al Gore until all PAX complete.
ATMs. IC – 15 Alternate Shoulder Taps, 10 Tempo Merkins (3 ct down, 1 up) and 10 Merkins.
Aiken Legs.
Apple Turn Over. Bear Crawl 20 ft, Crab Walk 20 ft, Bear Crawl, Crab Walk…
Aiken Legs. Yes. Again.
Due to the group size, Homer thought it would be wise to call and audible on YHC and go Dora-style.
Merkins, LBC’s and Squats. Dora 100, 200, 300 other PAX mozies to corner and back.
PuffDaddy called out Gas Pumpers, Cookie called out Freddie Mercuries, Homer called out Dying Cockroaches, ReadyMix called out Box Cutters
To be honest, YHC never thought more than 10 would show for the launch of Hall of Justice. This just further proves that F3 is sold out to Targeting (Q2.7). Of the 22 PAX, we had members from Lawrenceville, Flowery Branch, Sugar Hill, Johns Creek, Alpharetta, and Roswell (please forgive YHC if he missed one.) One FNG now named LongHaul (58, RESPECT!) expressed his appreciation for the commitment to this as he has been diagnosed with Parkinson’s and needs the exercise to help his symptoms. Another FNG now named SpruceTop (68, DOUBLE RESPECT!!) showed up from a NextDoor post. Our third FNG received the name PVC.
The gloom was owned by the PAX who sacrificed a little to gain a lot. YHC can truly say the PAX took a great first step at Getting Justice.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
Acceleration happens when a HIM locks his shield with other HIMs to protect the people behind the wall. A Shield Lock (Q1.7) is an imperative for acceleration. Accountability cannot happen individually. It must be done corporately. Find 3 other guys (start with one) to lock shields with and follow the three P’s. It must be Proximate, Purposeful, and Periodic. Read this for more on Shield Lock: Q1.7 Shield Lock