Conehenge’s Cross
AO: The Hooch
When: 12/21/2020
QIC: Speedo
PAX (15): Saint2O, Meatball, Hanson, Transcript (FNG!!), Puff Daddy, Smokestack, Zohan, Flo, Birdie, Feathers, Catfish, Dinghy, Stiff Arm, Nomad, Speedo
YHC didn’t realize it before the beat down, but the winter solstice occurred at around 0500 this morning. Thankfully, it wasn’t too cold and the flag was planted when I arrived a few minutes early. A few new (for me at least) faces greeted me as I stretched and we quickly learned an FNG was in our midst which is always fun. 0529:30 disclaimer starts and we were off at 0530.
Ran around the outside of the parking lot with some sideways, bernie sanders, and other sideways plus some butt kickers. Back to the center of the parking lot for:
- SSH x15
- Weed Pickers x12
- Windmills x12
The Thang:
While still in the warm-up circle we counted off 1-2-1-2. Some mysterious cone formations had appeared at various places in the parking lot. 1’s ran to the first cone and did 10 burpees then back to the center then back to the cone for 9 burpees, etc. all the way down to 6 burpees. 2’s ran to another cone (same distance as the first cone but in opposite direction) and did 10 squats/10 single count lunges, back to center, back to cone for 9/9, etc. all the way to 6.
We switched and went back up the ladder. 1’s to the second cone for 6 squats/6 lunges, back to center then back to the cone for 7/7, 8/8, up to 10. The lucky 2’s got to do their burpees at the first cone 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.
We finished the ladder by jumping down to the 5th rung. 1’s ran to the first cone and did 5 burpees, ran to the second cone and did 5 sqauts/5 lunges, etc. 2’s did the same thing but started with squats/lunges. We were running tight on time so YHC called a stop at around the end of the 3rd rung.
Partnered up and P1 bear crawled toward the theater (where another mysterious cone had appeared) while P2 did 15 merkins then ran to P1 and switch. On the way back to the middle we switched to Crawl Bears/merkins. Back at the center, with the same partner, P1 crab-walked away from the theater while P2 did 10 Big Bois. At yet another mysterious cone formation, we switched to lunge walk and monkey humpers back to the middle. Some American Hammers were called while waiting for the 6. We then did a slow Indian run around the bottom half of the parking lot and finished that a little past the movie theater.
Back to the movie theater where YHC attempted to demonstrate the Catalina Wine Mixer which, as far as I know, was a horrible invention by Tebow from The Gladiator. It’s a 14-count exercise best done in front of a low wall (we used chairs from the ice cream shop). It starts with a merkin (down 1, up 2), down to a low plank (left 3 right 4), back up to a high plank (left 5 right 6) hands up on the wall/chair like a dirty handshake (left 7 right 8), Irkin on the wall/chair (down 9, up 10), back down to a high plank (left 11, right 12), finish with a merkin (down 13 up 14)…that’s a single rep!!! We did 5 of these OYO with varying degrees of success, style, and flare.
Sprint back to the flag and then some mary including box cutters, American hammers, LBCs and finished it out with 30 strong merkins. At some point during mary, a sulfur cloud erupted from one of the PAX and cleared out a big part of the circle. Thankfully all the guys on that side are expected to survive with only minor lung damage.
We welcomed FNG Transcript to F3. He is Hanson’s BIL from Cali. It was also great to meet a few other PAX who I had not met in the past.
Look on Slack for possibly modified workout schedules through the remainder of the year. There will be a 1/1/2021 challenge at The Widowmaker and other challenges and special events posted on Slack.
Prayers requested and lifted up for Scrooge and his family, for so many families dealing with various sickness (physical and other) both covid-related and not. With so many dealing with so much, in my experience, only God’s intervention and peace can truly bring healing and hope.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
The workout was planned to hopefully show as a cross in a circle on Strava. It kinda sorta worked. I’m sure I’ll receive other interpretations from the clever PAX we have in the area.
When I heard about the winter solstice on the radio, I immediately thought of Stonehenge and its alignment to coincide with the winter and summer solstices, thus the random backblast name.
It’s always a pleasure to work out with my brothers at the Hooch. Thanks for welcoming me and allowing me to plan our nonsense for this morning.