When do we stop doing Burpees?
AO: Windjammer
When: 12/18/2020
QIC: Zohan
PAX (6): Cookie, Dr. Rico, Nomad, Brutus, Townie, Zohan
I’ve never posted at the Windjammer before and usually I prefer to post at least once before I Q, but I saw no one signed up and that couldn’t resist, so signed up as Mystery Q.
The key benefit of signing up to Q is that it (mostly) prevents me from fartsacking [let’s say like yesterday] and forces me to wake up and face the cold. Later on Cookie said it well – As much as I hated getting out of bed, I’ve never regretted posting.
Moseyed around the parking lot. SSH, Moroccan Night Clubs and Hill Billies.
The Thang:
Next to the flag area, between the trees there’s a small trail that goes in a very short loop.
Counting 6 PAX, we moseyed there and YHC called for BOMBS (Burpees, Overhead Claps, Merkins, Big Boy Sit Ups and Squats). One PAX Bear Crawls the loop while the others do an exercise. Then Switch. Whomever Bear Crawls doesn’t miss an exercise – after the first PAX bear crawls and all others did Burpees, that PAX does Burpees, another PAX Bear Crawls and the rest move on to Overhead Claps.
YHC thought the concept was clear enough but the PAX kept asking when are they supposed to stop doing Burpees once they start. I decided I cannot blame them. At 6:05am and freezing temperatures the brain just cannot process AMRAP Burpees.
Once we begun, however, and with just a small hiccup, it all went well.
We moseyed to the other part of the parking lot, next to the tennis court for 3 rounds of Suicides. In each round the PAX run to the first inlet for an exercise and back, run to the second for the next exercise and so on for 5 exercise total in each round.
First round focused on legs – 40 Sumo Squats (touch the ground) in the first inlet, 40 Jump Squats in the 2nd, 40 Bonnie Blairs, 40 Monkey Humpers and finishing with 40 Calf Raises on the last inlet.
Second round focused on core and had 30 V-ups, 30 Dying Cockroach (alpha count), 30 Peter Parkers (alpha count), 30 BBSU and 30 American Hammers (alpha count).
Last round focused on shoulders, of course – 20 Alternate Shoulder Taps (alpha count), 20 Wide Merkins, 20 Diamonds, 20 Staggers and 20 Staggers other side.
Not all PAX were able to get to the last set, but everyone got a solid beatdown and bravely fought the cold!
Prayers for a a friend of Townie who lost her husband.
Blood Drive – Sign up!
Naked-Man Moleskin:
That was a fun workout. Thank you for having me! Always a pleasure and an honor to lead the men!