AO: The Shadow
When: 11/03/2020
QIC: Team Mom (FKA Guard Dawg)
PAX (17): Billboard, Box Checker, Chaingang, CIA, Dubya, Horny, Manhole, Meathead, Oompa Loompa, Pickles, Potter, Radar, Ricky Martin, Rum Runner, Switchboard, Team Mom, Zoom
On elections day 2020, 17 brave young men arose from their beds on a warm, tropical morning to come together in one belief, that Yacht Rock will never die. We decided to put our political ideologies to rest and come together for good hair, good vibes, and a good time.
Mosey to the Wildcat Flagstick.
Round 1 (All IC):
- Wind Mill IC 11
- Imperial Walker IC 11
- Mary Catherine IC 11
- Plank Jack IC 11
- Plank Roll Call – F3 Nickname
Round 2 (All IC):
- Wind Mill IC 11
- Imperial Walker IC 11
- Mary Catherine IC 11
- Plank Jack IC 11
- Plank Roll Call – Favorite Band/Artist
The Thang:
Goal: Spell Yacht Rock at the top
(1) 10 Merkins, run the stairs, around the first handicap sign, 1 SSH = Y, run down stairs
(2) 10 Merkins, run up stairs, around the first handicap sign, 2 SSH = Y+A, run down stairs
(3) 10 Merkins, run up stairs, around the first handicap sign, 3 SSH = Y+A+ C, run down stairs
yada yada yada, you get the idea all the way through
(10) 10 Merkins, run up stairs, around the first handicap sign, 10 SSH = Y+A+C+H+T+R+O+C+K+YACHT ROCK, run down stairs
Plank/Air Squat for the 6
Slow Squats IC 5
Mosey to starting blocks. We had to watch out for the blocking dummy on the track. Rumor has it that on Monday night, CIA was getting in extra 400’s while pushing the sled around track.
Big Block Letters – Spell YACHT ROCK
Freddie Mercury IC 20
30-60-90 IC 15
Big Block Letters – Spell YACHT ROCK
Freddie Mercury IC 15
30-60-90 IC 15
Run A Lap X3 mixed with some Yacht Rock Treats in between sets.
Mosey to Wildcat Flag Stick
A few more Yacht Planks & Merkins
We continued to pray for Ricochet and his wife, Emily.
We also had prayers for our country, may we come together like our F3 brothers did for Yacht Rock. Lead with love.
Naked-Man Moleskin: