I Showed Up This Time
AO: The Norseman
When: 11/10/2020
QIC: Stroller (@f3_stroller)
PAX (11): TMI, White Claw, Legos, Ha-ha, Crikey, Jethro, Callahan, Nacho, Shooter, Striper, Stroller
YHC once ditched the Norseman PAX when he had signed up for the Q. More than a year later, it was finally time to make reparations.
4 PAX posted for a pre-run and our numbers grew to 11 as YHC gave the disclaimer at 0530.
Mosey to baseball field parking lot and circle up:
- 20 SSH
- 15 Imperial Walker
- 20 Moroccan Nightclub
Mosey back to where we started and on to turf field 1
The Thang:
Gosh, it’s dark here. Once we were right on top of them we found the cones that I had laid out before the beatdown at the corners of a 10 yd x 10 yd box. Pulled this one from the Sasquatch Challenge especially for White Claw: Burpees and Bears in a Box. Start with 10 burpees at one cone, bear crawl to the next cone, 9 burpees, bear crawl to the next cone, 8 burpees, etc. down to 1 burpee. Face the same way the entire time so you get bear crawl, crawl bear, and the rarely experienced sideways bear crawl. Two boxes were set up to reduce congestion.
Next, stand on the goal line and partner up for Doracides. One partner exercises while the other runs to the 10 yd line, 1 burpee, back to the goal line, 20 yd line, 2 burpees, back, 30 yd line, 3 burpees, back, then flapjack. Together each pair would complete:
- 100 Hand Release Merkins
- 200 Jungle Boi Squats
- 300 Flutter Kicks
After completing the Doracides, most pairs took a recovery lap around the field. After finishing, we did a round of suicides: 25, 50, 75, and 100 yds.
Back to the flag with enough time for Crunchy Frogs, Dying Cockroach, and LBCs. Fin
Jethro requested prayers for his wife’s cousin’s son, who has a ruptured appendix and some complications
TMI advertised the Lions Club night tomorrow at Casa Nuova in support of veterans
Naked-Man Moleskin:
Great to see the growth at this AO! It was well worth a slightly longer trip than usual to join these men for some hard work. Aye!!