AO: The Wreck
When: 11/09/2020
QIC: Grease Monkey
PAX (14): Kiffin, Aflac, Hawk, Juul, Squeegee, Bear, Windex, One Call, Sell Out, Doogie, Norm, Bieber, Raider, Foley
Sell Out was advertising an open Q spot last night, so I figured it would give me a reason to get out of bed.
At 0530 We moseyed around the backside of the Wreck (prepared with a light) to the RNA parking lot for the warmup: SSHs, HIllbillies, Weed Pickers and Arm Circles. I didn’t quite understand all the groaning when I said we should stretch out our shoulders.
The Thang:
Overo to GSW for some 11s. 10 +1, 9 + 2… you get it.
First up: Handstand merkins on wall; bear crawl to fence; Big Boys
Next: Donkey Kicks on wall; lunge walk to fence; Diamonds
Finally: Mike Tysons on wall; crab walk to fence; Bonnie Blair (double count per PAX request)
Aflac created a new exercise of his own on the last round. Always looking for efficiency of movement and speed he combined the two separate movements of the Mike Tyson to one consolidated downward dog merkin. We’ll have to submit that to the Exicon library.
Time ran out so we headed back to the flag with the 6 (YHC) finding no time for Mary.
Continued prayers for Swamp. Others unspoken.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
Always bring gloves.