The Case of the Mondays got lost before the Warm-O-Rama….
AO: The Grindstone
When: 10/26/2020
QIC: milli vanilli
PAX (14): Inseam, Dumpster, Swiper, Von Trapp, Snowman, Snake, Hushpuppy, Vinny, False Start, Olaf, Thin Mint, Whiz, Cookie.
You read that right, folks….14 brought it to The Grindstone and conquered. A Sunday afternoon rollcall snowballed into an outstanding Monday morning turnout.
Good morning, disclaimer, and greetings to all. Let’s mosey.
After a leisurely mosey around the park, we circled up near parking lot for what was going to be an awful lot of exercises. Was time going to be a factor? No time to wonder, let’s get down to business.
SSH (10)
Copperhead Squat (10)
Weedpicker (10)
The Thang:
It’s beginning to feel like fall and that means we’re knee deep into football season so let’s mosey over to the football field. YHC got creative with the plan yesterday so let’s see how this plays out.
Working our way around the football field, we’re starting with 28 squats in the end zone and incorporating burpees into our first of four sets of ladders. Start at the end zone and make our way to the 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 and each time we return to the end zone, Officer Hightower continues to make his presence felt. Here we go:
10 Standard burpees
10 Body Builder Burpees
10 Triple Merkin Burpees
10 Triple Jump Squat Burpees
10 Bring it all together Burpees
The pain of all those burpees really brought us all together. With each segment completed, PAX run 200 yards, end zone to end zone.
Let’s move to quadrant 2 of the field. In the end zone we started with 72 calf raises and here come the ladders.
10 SSH
10 Monkey Humper
10 LBC
10 Mountain Climbers (A)
10 J-Lo (A).
Quadrant 3…a quick check of time and we’re doing well…pretty good on time. Let’s up the ante. 20 reps of each exercise going forward.
20 Lunges (A)
20 Plankjack
20 Merkins
20 Air Press
20 Squats.
200 Yard end zone to end zone run now upgraded to include Hallelujahs!
Quadrant 4…almost there. Keep pushing, men!
20 American Hammers (A)
20 Dolly
20 Crunchy Frog
20 Merkins
20 Dying Cockroach.
Well, I’ll be…we’re at 44 minutes and change. A very quick mosey back to the Flag.
A picture is worth a thousand words….
Did I mention 14 PAX at The Grindstone this AM?
Personally, I am grateful and appreciative of the men who ventured into the Gloom today. Prayers to those stuck in the fartsack and to those that may be struggling. Praise to the men of F3 going out and being leaders at home, in the community, and around the world. Let’s go out and make a difference this week.