Stripper taking Suds to Gold’s
AO: The Shadow
When: 10/20/2020
QIC: Stripper
PAX (9): Leon, Suds, Sunshine, Sasquatch, Ricky Martin, Novacaine, Diablo, Major, and Stripper
Stripper’s first show in a long time, featured a round of strength coupon exercises that caused Suds to say, “I’m at Gold’s Gym“
Some stuff was done.
The Thang:
The Thang: “Golds gym” 4 rounds, 20 reps
- Merkins, werkins, diamond merkins, merkins
- Squat thrusts
- Coupon rows
- Coupon low slow squats
- Curls (just last two rounds
400 m relay
Divided the pax into three teams of three and spread out on the track, unequally, sorry group 3, for a breezy 400 m relay with men doing whatever exercise seemed “right in their own eyes” (see link above) while they waited for their run.
- V ups
- Flutter kicks
Leon, a spry 53 yr old WAR DADDY, took us out.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
First an update on an announcement from this morning, I need a couple available men to help me to move a precious green egg from one Dunwoody house to another this afternoon at 5 PM. The big green egg belongs to Dunwoody High School graduate/UGA student, Allie Womble. she inherited it from her dad who passed away this summer, he was about my age.
I envision this taking less than an hour and plan to complete the afternoon with a stop at Moondog growlers, probably around 545. Join me even if you can’t help with the job.
The address is 4886 Leeds court and it will be going to 5379 Vernon lake drive.
Two more men would be perfect. I’ll reply to you to confirm.