Bad Apple vs. IPC round 1
Iron Pax Challenge: watch F3Greenwood’s vid’, grab a whiteboard, some tunes, a timer and copy down the pre-made WO…how hard could it be? Well, the…
Iron Pax Challenge: watch F3Greenwood’s vid’, grab a whiteboard, some tunes, a timer and copy down the pre-made WO…how hard could it be? Well, the…
IPC week one underway. I facilitated this workout with the help of Ha-ha. He brought the timer and the tunes. Definitely brought us 30 year…
12 Souls gathered in the gloom to recover from the Iron PAX challenge and go for a little jog and do a few less burpees…
No. No moms are allowed but apparently EMOMs are fine. School was in session and today’s lesson compliments of F3 Greenwood was that Babies may…
F3 Greenwood earned more hatred and admiration concurrently, probably more of the former as 16 pax arrived to show their mettle in the face of…
Post IPC week 1 hangover combined with BRR training hangover had me highly motivated to Q an easy leg day. But you can’t let the…
29h30m into a new solar orbit, Q began with a check for potential new meat / first-timers / FNGs. Finding none, he delivered a short…