Save the legs, destroy the arms!
AO: Bad Apple
When: 08/24/2020
QIC: SwampDonkey
PAX (14): Sprocket, Rusty, Brutus, Woody, Lil' Jon, Pass Interfearance, Grease Monkey, Sparty, Norwood, Goat, AC, Heidi, Ollie
A few PAX had run this weekend. A lot. 20-31 mi each respectively. So I was here to save the legs for us…
Plank- center 45 sec, then R arm 30 sec, L arm 30 sec, center for 30 sec.
The Thang:
Grab something heavy, for most, it was a cinder block, but we had sandbags, kettlebells, and rain – all along for the ride.
We WALKED to the far side of the school, headed to the basketball court, but Q decided to use the bus lane covering as the rain picked up for our first set.
All exercises are a paired set, 15 reps of one movement, then 15 of the next move, SLOWLY. Then repeat with little to no break. Plank for the Q to make the next call.(Most) PAX do not do slow reps. Lesson learned, next time there will be timing involved.
On your six for:
Lat raises
Shoulder press
20 Good mornings with your weight
We moved to the bball court for another full round to make room as faculty/staff showed up. My sweet tunes were drowned out by either the HVAC system or the jet propulsion lab out back…either way, it was LOUD.
After a misty full round, walked back to the flag, er, cars? There, we did 1 set of everything for 15 reps.
Schools – Students/Teacher
Sprocket (job)
Naked-Man Moleskin:
Q-ing less than 48 hrs post running 31mi was questionable at best. It worked out though.