Bear Crawl Ring of Fire and Dora
AO: The Wreck
When: 08/21/2020
QIC: Meltdown
PAX (6): Yankee, Norm, OneCall, Cutie, Rooney, Meltdown
Those that showed up were not doing the YMM on Saturday and had not checked the weather (forecast of t-storms). But it was a Friday morning, so a BD was in order for those willing and waiting in the gloom.
Moseyed over to the near parking lot and disclaimer was disclaimed.
Performed some SSH, Hill Billies, Weed Pickers, Abe Vigodas, and Peter Parkers.
WOR was longer than usual due to the thought there might be some extra motivated PAX doing this AND the YMM, but those participating in the YMM steered clear of the Wreck this day.
The Thang:
The PAX stayed in a circle after WOR and did a Bear Crawl Ring of Fire, to which Yankee replied “that sounds interesting”. Entailed the group bear crawling in a circle until the QIC yells halt, then one PAX would pump out 10 merkins, while the other PAX planked. Once all PAX performed merkins, the crawl would continue. Two rounds of this ensued (2nd round was 10 diamonds) before we moseyed over to the playground.
The PAX then did Morning Call, but once the pull ups were completed, each PAX would dead hang on the bar as long as possible while everyone else maintained the plank. Again two rounds were completed.
Next, the PAX found their favorite lifting coupon behind the swings (after searching for snakes, given Rooney’s experience up at Wills Park and finding friends under rocks), partnered up, and did a Dora of sorts.
100 curls, 200 rows, 300 LBCs
In lieu of running, one PAX would plank while the other performed a set of reps (20 for curls/rows, 50 for LBCs) and then swap until reaching 100/200/300.
Mindful of the forecast that day, YHC decided we would mosey back early. Stopped by the covered workout area for a PAX choice of 10 Jack Webbs (1:4 ratio of merkins and air press) or 10 Lt. Dans (1:4 ratio of squats and lunges).
Then back for some Mary which included diamonds (Cutie thought we needed more arms for the week) and superman’s before calling time.
Prayers for the kids, parents, and teachers as the first week of school ended in Fulton County. Also, prayers for the PAX participating in the YMM.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
Thanks for the opportunity to lead in the gloom, always a pleasure.