Stupid, Pointless, Effective
AO: The Widowmaker
When: 08/22/2020
QIC: Zohan
PAX (10): Costanza, The Ocho, Foxy [downrange], Cox, Heidi, NRA, Kaiser [downrange], Barney, FNG (Dance Party), Zohan
We had 3 PAX for the Pre-ruck. Catfish came without a ruck sack and Foxy, downrange from SC, loaned him a 45lb ruck which Catfish took with no hesitation. YHC heard some grunts but no complaints. Respect! Good fellowship throughout the Ruck.
I expected a low turnout today, with many PAX participating in the Thundermeat or Quad CSAUPs and was excited to see a good size bunch of men waiting at the flag! Catfish left us before the BB but 2 PAX, one of them FNG, joined us a few minutes later.
While other PAX were doing CSAUPs (completely stupid and utterly pointless), I aimed the BD to be somewhat stupid and pretty much pointless.
Run around the parking lot and into the soccer field. Added Bernie Sanders (run backwards), high knees and ass kickers.
Circled up in the middle of the field for some SSH, Copper Head Squats and Windmills.
To finish the WOR we partnered up. One PAX Bear Crawls half the soccer field while his partner is running circles around him, shouting encouragements. Then switch.
The Thang:
Strong 40
Basically 4 corners, but have to come back to the center after each corner. 5 Burpees at the center each time. Each corner is 40 reps of one exercise. 2 rounds means Burpees also total 40.
First round – Merkins, BBSU, Squats and Bonnie Blairs.
Second round – Alternating shoulder taps (alpha count), Peter Parker (alpha count), The Dolly and Monkey Humpers.
The first round we did OYO, with PAX splitting between the corners and LBCs for the 6. Foxy complained we cannot have effective mumble chatter if y’all split up. So for the second round I called we go together. Naturally some PAX finished the shoulder taps and mandatory burpees before others but when they run to the second corner YHC called Halt and and Burpees for the 6. Besides ensuring we all start the Peter Parkers together, YHC also heard no more constructive mumble chatter and co-Qing. Now I have to wonder if I can get the same effect on DC2 with a similar maneuver.
We finished the rest of the 2nd round together.
11s with Coupons
We moseyed to the pavilion above the field and stopped on the way to pick up a coupon of choice for the 11s. In the pavilion we started with 10 step ups on the benches (while holding the coupons) – double count on the legs, so first round is 10 steps up leading with right leg and 10 leading with left. Mosey with the coupon to the restroom building for Wonder Bra (push forward, push up) while in people chair position on the wall.
We finished the 11s with 5-6 minutes to go, so YHC called a Burpee Circle. Coupon on the floor, bunny hops. On the call of down Burpee and pick up the coupon on the way up, then put it back down.
Our FNG had to go and we quickly named him Dance Party.
We returned the coupons and run back to the flag for 30 American Hammers IC and a 10 Rosalita IC.
T-Claps for all the PAX who participate in one (or both?) of the CSAUPs.
YHC explained about the Iron PAX challenge in September.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
We really good fellowship after the COT. This is a huge part of F3, for me. Getting to know the men, their personal stories, their challenges. We talked about “being selfish” and doing things for yourself (e.g. maintaining physical fitness, spending time with other men) so that your own cup is full and you can serve others in your family and in the community. Otherwise we run dry, operating on fumes.