Mental fortitude is (probably) more important than physical strength.
AO: Bad Apple
When: 08/14/2020
QIC: Sprocket
PAX (8): Woody, Rusty, Sparty, Brutus, Norwood, P.I., Ollie
YHC tends to think in linear fashion…mostly. Blame genetics or education (Accounting major), or both. But, every now and then, YHC tries to mix things up when planning a WO. After some legit leg/coupon from Woody and Rusty this week, YHC decided to keep the calisthenics simple this a.m. but up the challenge on the minds of PAX.
Hit “play” on the 80’s big hair and spandex playlist, circled up the PAX, gave the disclaimer and got the party started with SSH’s x16, slow squats x10 (IC), Walk-out Merkins x10 (OYO) and side shuffles around the parking lot (left and right).
The Thang:
Here’s where the fun began…
Sprocket’s Mind Splitter WO:
5 Rounds of the following: Burpees, Lunges and flutter kicks in the following rep’ counts: 30-20-10-20-30. A lap of approximately 200 yards was run between each set. What YHC likes about this WO is that it forces those doing it to stay present and focus on the task at hand especially when the rep’ counts begin to climb back up when one is sucking wind the most. Now that Woody had his daily/weekly/monthly burpee quota met, I’m sure that he’ll rest well this weekend…Those PAX that finished first kept the pavement warm with some Mary for the 6..
Next was a mosey up to the baseball diamond bleachers for a round of 11’s squats to the bleacher: hand release Merkins in the sand. Mumble chatter increased as the PAX collected more and more sand on themselves as the hand release Merks increased. By the end, 8 F3Alpha sugar cookies were ready to finish the WO with 2 rounds of morning call at the pull up station. This effectively cut the mumble chatter to a minimum.
Survivor’s “Eye of the Tiger” provided the theme music for the remaining 3 minutes of Mary back at the parking lot. I think some PAX wanted more burpees, but, sadly time was called.
Name-O-Rama; prayers for mercy and healing requested for Woody’s small group acquaintance battling CV as well as for all medical staff caring for those with physical needs. Prayers for those in leadership of our nation, state/local governments as well.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
Always enjoy starting my day with F3 brothers in the gloom. Love hearing the calls of encouragement between PAX as well as the smack talk. YHC is especially grateful for the fortitude forged by our workouts—both physical and mental. Together, F3 brothers help keep each other accountable and push themselves to new limits regularly. Sprocket out.