New Moves
AO: The Wreck
When: 07/15/2020
PAX (20): Squeak, Switch, Juul, Bear, Backside, Tubbs, Meltdown, Windex, Yankee, Norm, Sellout, Grease Monkey, Khakis, Cutie, Bieber, Bronco, Squeegee, Rooney, White Claw
YHC was challenged on Slack the evening prior to bring something new and different to the BD, so he did some research and devised a couple of new moves to introduce to the PAX.
Mosey along the trail past the tennis courts and up the hill (backwards) towards the pond. Continued mosey around the pond up the 2nd hill (backwards again) past the gymnastics center and finish at the middle of the football for some quick warm-ups:
- SSH’s
- Hillbilly’s
- Abe Vigoda’s
The Thang:
Lead PAX toward the concrete stadium where Q would direct them to take a seat on the short retention wall. First exercise would be a One-Legged Stand-up, 15 reps per leg. Second exercise would be a combination of Bulgarian Split Squat + Decline Merkin (single-legged squat with one leg on wall, transition to a Decline Merkin, and return to starting position) for 20 reps. Rinse-repeat both exercises for good measure.
Next up, Q led PAX back to the turf field where he directed them to line up 2 feet from the fence. First exercise would be done from a kneeling position. Once ready, lean backwards until head touches the fence, and return to starting position. Repeat 15 times. Second exercise would be a tricep extension from a Diamond Merkin position – this meant dropping elbows to the turf and returning to plank position for 15 repetitions. Rinse-repeat both exercises for good measure.
From there, Q directed PAX to take a few steps forward and line-up along the sideline of the field for a round of Lunging Merkins (single lunge forward to split-squat position, then down and perform a single Merkin) across the width of the field. Once at the other side, YHC instructed PAX to reverse direction and perform some Bear Crawl Break-Dancers (5 Bear Crawl steps, with alternating break-dance twists in between) until back to the other side.
With a couple of minutes remaining, time for some Elbow Plank twists (hold plank with one elbow, while sliding other arm underneath torso as far as possible). Hold 20 seconds per side, rinse and repeat.
Head back to the flag for some quick Mary before time was called.
Prayers the people of our country will find peace and grace in these difficult times.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
AFLAC out.