Running around the block
AO: The Hooch
When: 06/10/2020
QIC: Zohan
PAX (14): Piggy, Saint2O, Flo, Boomer, Sunshine, Ballboy, Feathers, Meatball, Splinter, Pooh Bear, Popper, Animal, Julius, Zohan
A short mosey to the restaurant on the side that is always changing and so I don’t recall what is the current name of it. IC – SSH x25, Hill Billies x5, Squats x15, Weed Picker x10
The Thang:
We run down to the road, took a right and basically run around the plaza from the outside. Along the way we stopped 7 times to do some sets. YHC think that we’re doing awesome work in F3 and people should notice, and a few honks from passing cars told me we got some attention. Can’t say what will come out of it, but hopefully, doing it again and again, we’ll inspire one person.
Set #1 was 5 Burpees, 10 Bonnie Blairs (alpha count), 15 BBSU.
Set #2 Mucho Chesto – 10 regular Merkins, 10 wide, 10 diamond, 10 stagger and 10 stagger on the other side.
we alternated these two sets – #1, #2, #1, #2, #1, #2, #
Running back up into the plaza we stopped at the entrance for some steps up on the ledge.
20 step ups IC (switch leading leg in the middle), 9 Dips IC (because YHC stopped too earlt), 20 step ups IC, 11 Dips IC.
Indian Run behind the stores and cinema until we reach the other side.
Lazy Dora – partner up. 500 LBCs per pair. one PAX Balls to the Wall with PAX 2 doing LBCs until Pax #1 fails, then switch until PAX #2 fails. Then Pax #1 holds low plank till fail and switch. Then Pax #1 holds 6″ above ground till fail and switch. if the pair didn’t reach 500 LBCs yet, go back to Balls to the Wall.
With a few minutes to spare we went to the parking lot. Bear Crawl to the next line, Broad Jumps to the next. Continue to alternate between Bear Crawls and Broad Jumps until we reach the flag. YHC saw some creative modifications with backwards lunges.
Mary was just 20 Rosalita IC and YHC called time.
Prayers for health, for peace and for comfort (for those who lost loved ones). Prayers for those who lost their jobs and need hope.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
All the recent events caused me to think about the role I can fulfill to drive a change. There was a good discussion in the F3 Nation Slack channel and I’m not the only one who struggle to see where I can contribute. As of now the only team I’m leading is my family, so I raised it there and we did have a good discussion with our kids. F3 definitely causes me to look around often, looking for opportunities to do better, to be better. It’s a start.