Viking’s Belated Birthday Q
AO: The Gladiator
When: 06/04/2020
QIC: Viking
PAX (11): Raspberry Pie, Renegade, Scratchoff, Manchester, Tebow, Stroller, Zohan, Shrinkage, Delicious, Speedo, Viking
Viking missed his 28th Birthday Q on April 1st, so it seemed fitting that choose some 28’s, or variations of 28’s, for his first Q since January 30th. Oh, and Speedo called me out on Slack to Q, so that’s that.
Having a hard time trying to figure out exercises without coupons such as cinders and burpee balls, Viking tried to change it up a little while at the same time, keeping that Viking standard: 4 Corners.
11 PAX showed up in the Gloom, social distancing disclaimers were given, Portable DJ was cranked, and the mosey began.
We worked our way (mosey, shuffles, karaoke) past the tennis courts and up the hill. 3 doe were waiting for us in the parking lot off Eves Road. I asked them if they wanted to do some SSH but they took off, worried that Scar was going to be in the group…
Reps of 14’s and 28’s were done in various warmup exercises. Back down the hill to the rock pile for some sunlight-killing-virus-free-coupon work.
The Thang:
Each PAX grabbed a coupon (rock) heavy enough to do 28 reps of each exercise: curls, overhead press, skull crushers, and rows. 2 Trips up the hill and back in between the exercises, just to keep the cardio going.
YHC then led the PAX to the south pitch, with a quick stop to do some merkins. Once at teh south pitch, all the PAX did 28 step ups on the retaining wall. Then the Q instructed the PAX of the 4-Corners. The group ended up doing three rounds of 4 Corners, which each round bringing new surprises. Some new exercises that were introduced were high skips and The Flying Tomato.
Unfortunately, we didn’t have time for Round 4 (burpees!), so YHC instructed the crew to mosey back to the flag at 0613. A quick round of Mary and time was up.
Pray for peace & healing within our communities. Many of our hearts are heavy. May we each lead our families and communities to see the dignity, respect, and value in each human life, no matter their race, sex, or status.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
YHC heard Manchester & Stroller both mutter “Viking I hate you” during the beatdown, so I guess I was doing my job right.