A road less traveled
AO: The Gladiator
When: 03/03/2020
QIC: Zohan
PAX (10): Stroller, Speedo, Cheneral, Kegger, Delicious, Brownie, Manchester, Spandex, Laces, Zohan
Finally it’s not raining and not under 40s. Glorious day to be outside!
A short run around the building for Mountain Climbers X20, SSH X20, Windmills X10 and Imperial Walkers X10
The Thang:
We run to the nearby pavilion and then a ‘practice run’ on a loop the PAX were not familiar with (a short 0.2 mile with some elevation). YHC likes to use google maps to identify trails or fun spots in the AOs he Q in, to make it interesting. It was fun to surprise the PAX with the existence of this route.
One PAX runs the loop while the other stays behind to count 100 Merkins, 200 Dips, 200 Step Ups, 100 Sumo Squats (touch the floor).
flatter Kicks for the six.
we stayed nearby, but focused on the short loop this time forĀ Catch me if you can
One partner advances slowly while the other stays behind for 10 Sit ups then catches up with the first PAX and switch. So first round one PAX Bear Crawls while the other does sit ups, then switch. then Lunges while the other does the sit ups and switch,3rd round Crab Walk, 4th round Bernie Sanders and 5th round broad jumps.
Clearly YHC was not able to articulate his vision as the mumble chatter reflected confusion. I assume some PAX got it, or parts of it, but it was too dark to really see. They all did their best to do something anyway, which is really the point to.
Anyway YHC called out back to the flag before everyone finished
Two rounds of Burpee Circle and 10 quick American Hammers IC.
Cheneral is on his way to his 3rd 2.0! (Mazal Tov)
YHC acknowledged appreciation to the PAX. I wasn’t able to come consistently in the last few weeks (schedule, travel, sick, life) and I’m going through ups and downs in my personal life. Having F3 to ground me and lift me up, somehow both at the same time, really helps to keep me sane and somewhat on track.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
We have committed to get better the hard way. We can give some boosts with special diets (shakes/smoothies, paleo, fasting,…) but it is not enough by itself. Waking up in the early hours, facing the weather whatever it is, knowing someone else will tell you to do something hard that likely will suck – these are the basic things we need to do physically to get better and they prepare us for the mental and emotional things we need to do to improve in other aspects of our lives.
In a culture that promotes convenience over real hardship, if you’re part of F3 you’re already on a road less traveled.