Speedo turns 27 (for the 2nd time)
AO: The Gladiator
When: 02/11/2020
QIC: Speedo
PAX (11): Spandex, Tebow, Stroller, Brownie, Cheneral, Scar, Daddy Daycare, Laces, Puddle Jumper, Scratch Off, Speedo
Rain held off for us to get in a decent workout. Thanks to those who could make it out today!
Moseyed around to pick up a couple of stragglers then circled up in the far parking lot for some SSH, Weed Pickers and Hillbillies. I started to do rep counts for the ages of my three sons but realized that it could take a while so cut it short. My ‘boys’ are 23, 20 and 17 btw.
The Thang:
Moseyed back to the main road where we did reps of 20 merkins followed by a hill run up and down including:
- Regular
- Wide
- Ranger
- Offset left
- Offset right
It was 5:25 and we’d already done 100 merkins!
Mosey to the back pavilion and partnered up for some blimp-like fun. P1 does exercise while P2 runs up the stairs, around the parking lot (pass the Roswell PoPo) and back to the pavilion. The fun included:
- 27 Burpees
- 54 BBSUs
- 81 Step-ups
- 108 Plank Jacks
- 135 LBCs
- 162 Dips
- 189 Squats
- 216 Flutter Kicks
- 245 Overhead Claps
Try to make an acronym for that workout!
For those who like to count, that’s over 1,200 reps plus a bunch of stairs/steps from the running. I, for one, felt extra safe in the dark since we had a Roswell police officer watching over us as we ran the parking lot.
We moseyed back to where the flag would have been if it wasn’t raining and did some AMRAP merkins to close out the last 90 seconds. That was a real crowd-pleaser.
Prayers for young girl who died from lupus. Hug your kids hard today and every day.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
Thanks for coming out for my BD BD. I’m stronger physically and emotionally because of you guys!
I’m thankful for the weather holding out so we could get stronger. As far as I could tell, no one melted in the rain.