Inseam F3-iversary Extravaganza (a 2 part series)
AO: Big Creek
When: 02/04/2020
QIC: Inseam
PAX (16): Day 1: Snake, Sculley, Hushpuppy, Whiz, Falsestart, Swiper, Bell, Inseam. Day 2: Snake, Body, McDuff, Bartman, Sculley, Spit Valve, Inseam
YHC’s official 1 year F3 anniversary was 02/02/2020. In honor is that palindrome of a date YHC decided to have a 2 day Anniversary Extravaganza. Aye!
Que slack hype and absurd gifs.
Day 1 at Grindstone: YHC would Q a morning ruck (with 31 burpees for KC). It’s been awhile since our last Ruck BD. The pax seemed excited.
Day 2 at Big Creek: YHC would Q a 0.0 style BD with his new toys!
Day 1: YHC was 1 minute late. Only the second time in history but the first time as Q. Unacceptable. That’s two times too many. Alarm for Grindstone days has been adjusted.
Day 2: Unload coupons. Hit play. Crank tunes. Short mosey around the painground.
The Thang:
Day 1: We rucked. It was awesome.
Day 2: Today is simple (on paper…definitely need the white board next time) all about stations and moving weight. High school weight room style. First circuit was partner stations and it looked a little something like this:
Four groups and four stations. Pax alternate the two exercises at one station, each doing the full amount of reps before moving to next station. 20 reps, 15 reps, 10 reps, 5 reps, rotate stations.
- Station 1: Coupon=65lb sandbag – Over the shoulder Sandbag throwovers & burpees
- Station 2: Coupon=Cinder – KB Swings & Step ups.
- Station 3: Coupon=Body weight – HR merkins & butterfly big bois.
- Station 4: Coupon=30lb sandbag – Curls & Squat with cinder.
Next we’ll transition to 8 individual exercises. Each pax does amrap while the 8th man ruck runs around the painground with 30lb ruck. Remaining 7 exercises were as follows:
- clean&squat with 65lb sandbag
- wide squats with cinder
- gaspumpers
- skull crushers with cinder
- lbc
- american hammer with cinder
- ground-to-press with 30lb sandbag
The playlist for today was…
Welcome home Sculley! YHC shared a little snip about the importance of putting yourself third.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
What a freaking year. F3 has changed my life.
Brotherhood, weight loss, personal development beyond belief, leadership development, humility, evolved relationship with M, and so so much more. I could honestly keep typing for hours (but the M is tired of being ignored lol).
Each of the aforementioned benefits could easily be further expanded into multiple subsets and examples. Again, F3 literally TRANSFORMED my life, and is continuing to transform. I’ve carried the pieces, desire, and potential for years but my F3 brothers are the glue that brought it all together. Thank every single one of you. And don’t let up! Aye!