Mucho Blimpo
AO: The Hooch
When: 01/15/2020
QIC: Feathers
PAX (15): Boomer, Popper, Splinter, Meatball, Hamburgler, Animal, Scrooge, Dawn, Ready Mix, Stickers, Homer, Piggy, Sunshine, Julius, Feathers
A moist, balmy morning greeted our PAX, 4 of whom ventured out for a leisurely, ,pre-BD 5K stroll. YHC promised an old-school beatdown.
Mosey around the parking lot, followed by SSHs, Weedpickers, Abe Vigodas, Moroccan Nightclubs.
The Thang:
Keeping it simple today, visiting a couple of sequences we hadn’t seen in some months, combined into what YHC called the Mucho Blimpo.
Mucho Chesto Sequence.
Pax lined up in our favorite parking lot along one long centerline. Perform 10 reps each of the following Merkin variations, alternating bear crawls and lunges between sets to each of five successive parking rows:
- Merkins
- Diamond Merkins
- Wide Merkins
- Staggered Merkins Right
- Staggered Merkins Left
Upon completion of final set, run one half lap around the parking lot and return to starting point
BLIMPO Sequence
From same starting line, perform the following:
- B – Burpee Broadjumps to the second parking row
- L – Lunge Walk to the third row
- I – Imperial Walker Walks to the fourth row
- M – Drop and perform 20 Merkins
- P – Stay in plank and perform 25 Plankjacks
- O – Stand and give the PAX 30 Overhead claps (harder than the have any right to be)
When finished clapping, run one half lap around the parking lot and return to starting point.
Rinse and Repeat the full Mucho Blimpo sequence 2 additional times. Follow up with a little Elizabeth Warren run around the full parking lot and return to the flag for a little Mary – Gas Pumpers, AmHams, LBCs, Dying Cockroaches, and maybe some others I missed.
YHC shared that he was impacted by the latest issue of Runner’s World, which focused on gratitude. It’s not easy to do what we do, but when we take the time to consider how blessed we are to be able to do it the obstacles become less intimidating.
Prayers for stress, aging parents, and a little girl who could use a miracle.