AO: The Galaxy
When: 01/02/2020
QIC: Blue
PAX (9): WideRight, Sparky, Turbine, Venus, Chelsea, Yahtzee, TP, ChaChing
Before we began, all PAX welcomed the “GODFATHERS OF THE GALAXY”!
Chelsea and Turbine founded The Galaxy over a year ago, and they are always treated as heros whenever they join us. We owe the AO to you both!
Disclaimer issued.
YHC bought this at Amazon, which allowed me to fill up 9 used basketballs (thanks, Goodwill) with water. The goal was to create “homemade slamballs” at a much cheaper price. So…
- Grab a ball and run a lap.
- Drop the ball, 10x each: SSH, Abe Vigoda, Cottonpickers, Burpees, and ,
- Pick up ball, get in line
The Thang:
To assess the tensile strength of Blue’s “homemade slamballs”, Sparky was asked to slam the ball into the ground; it promptly split open, spilling water everywhere. After some mumblechatter regarding Sparky’s use of performance enhancing drugs, PAX partnered up for “Alpha-Squat”–comprising of 2 persons, facing each other and squatting whilst holding the shared ball. Upon the command: “ALPHA”, both PAX attempted to wrestle the DontSlamBall (abbreviated as “DSB’s”) away from the other. Much merriment was had for the duration of this drill.
- AlphaSquats, rotating partners 3x
- 10x Burpees to regain PAX attention
- Grab a DSB and run a half lap.
- 3x ladder drills: bunny hops and icky shuffles
DSB 6 Bucket Brigade: All PAX in a line, head to toe, on their 6, feet and shoulder blades off the ground. First in line picks up DSB with feet, grabs with hands, places the DSB over their head onto the waiting feet of the next PAX, forming a “bucket brigade” which passes all DSB’s to the front. When all DSB’s are gathered at the top of the line, rotate and bring the DSB’s back to the start.
- 3x ladder drills: Ali Shuffle, both left and right
- DSB 6 Bucket Brigade – both up and back
- 10x Burbees to remind PAX to keep feet off ground
- Grab a DSB and run a half lap.
- Meet at the Challenge Circle
Call a Brother Out: a PAX is named, who chooses “Strength” or “Speed”, then calls another PAX. “Strength” is a tug of war between the PAX with the firehouse, and “Speed is a T-shaped sprinting path.
The rest of the PAX did various DSB exercises when not actively engaged in a the challenges:
- Pushup Planks on the DSB’s,
- Squats, overhead DSB lifts,
- Elbows on ball
- Run a lap, put the toys away
Mari until the end.
- Roll Call Video
- Prayers for WR’s Father-In-Law, and Tweakers’ family.
The 2019 Galaxy Annual Awards were presented:
2019 Sunshine Bazooka Award: YahtzeeThis #HIM’S Infectious Positive Attitude lifts all other PAX week after week. Yahtzee always encouraging others “Embrace the Suck!” with a loud and emphatic :YEEYHEE!
Hardest Grinder of 2019: Cha-ChingSeriously, have you EVER seen this #HIM not giving 100%? Cha-Ching exemplifies the F3 concept of “3S2T“: Strength, Speed, Stamina, Toughness–both Physical and Mental.
Q of the Year: VENUS
(Imagine Venus holding a customized Galaxy Touque here…)
Every year at Christmas, Venus prepares a scavenger hunt for his 2.x’s by hiding rhyming clues throughout the house. Venus built an entire Q with this, and the PAX involved loved it just as much (and possibly more) than Venus’ 2.x’s.
…and 2019 PAX of the Year: WideRight
F3 is about Leadership, and no PAX exemplifies this better than WideRight. He is the first to volunteer, the last to leave, and never asks anyone to do anything he’s not willing to do himself. From the F3 site, a Servant-Leader is a #HIM whose Purpose is to Seek Advantage for Others. You make the Galaxy, and every PAX in it, better.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
The Galaxy is back and better than ever for 2020, and I can’t wait to be a part of it!