2020 Vision
AO: The Rubicon
When: 01/02/2020
QIC: White Claw
PAX (12): Zima, Cookie, Miller Time, Mufasa, Lumbergh, Devito, Kruger, Special K, Trebek, Feathers, Kick Six, Pinkie
Mufasa was the first to arrive with a solo pre-run.
Moseyed to the park flag for 20 reps each:
– Weed Pickers
– Windmills
The Thang:
Bear Crawled about 20 yards to do 20 reps each:
– Dips
– Step Ups (alpha count)
– Derkins
Moseyed to the track by the dog park:
– Burpee Mile (20 burpees after each lap)
– Squat Mile – (20 squats after each lap)
Moseyed to the rock pile for 20 reps each w/ coupon:
– Squats
– Overhead Press
– Skull Crushers
– Bent Over Rows
– Curls
– Continue prayers for Devito’s brother
– Make it a goal to share during COT – Pain shared is pain divided, Joy shared is joy multiplied
Naked-Man Moleskin:
It’s time to leave 2019 behind whether it was a good or bad year and focus on 2020. I look forward to continuing the journey with my new brothers in this F3 experience. Some things are out of our control but we can all make a choice going forward to continue to support one another but also attend these workouts as much as possible. Sometimes we stay up late or don’t feel like getting up in the morning for what would/could be a cold and difficult workout but there is no better feeling after completing said workout on a morning where you just didn’t feel up to it. Look forward to continuing 2020 the same way we ended 2019, in the gloom together.