Chestnuts Roasting…
AO: The Wreck
When: 12/18/2019
QIC: Bear
PAX (24): Aflac, Sprocket, Hat trick, Switch, Freeze, Yankee, Tweaker, Smackdown, Turbine, Deadbeat, Sellout, Foley, Polaroid, Wide Right, Swamp Donkey, Backside, Rooney, Raider, Squeegee, Sparky, Bieber, Squeak, Goat, Bear
It was cold but we were jolly….Bieber christmas playing in the background to start then we transitioned to a mix of soft Christmas tunes and Beast Mode. Thanks Bieber for loaning me your Raptor bluetooth mega speaker!!
Thanks Switch and Turbine for carrying the speaker everywhere we went!
PLANK O RAMA Warm O Rama…but I went a bit easier on everyone with only a couple of exercises in regular plank position and then we flipped to do reverse plank (or whatever it’s called)!
The Thang:
Mosey to the bottom of the big hill. As we mosey, get in groups of 3.
2 out of the 3 do burpees at the bottom of the hill while the 3rd person runs to top of the hill. At top, do 40 merkins. Run to wall and do 40 dips. Then join the other 2. Continue rotating until everyone has done a set.
Then switch from burpees to jump squats while one person does the same 40 merkins / 40 dips.
Then switch to donkey kicks while one person does the same 40 / 40.
Mosey to the football field.
100 lbcs, monkey humper walk to other side of field, 100 freddy mercury, lunge walk to 40, 100 j los.
QIC called time and we mosey back to the flag.
Keep thinking about and praying for Sprocket’s sister!
Hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas, Holiday, and New Year!
Naked-Man Moleskin:
I grew up around my wife’s family and her parents set the tone for staying fit and active. I watched them prioritize it for years and they have remained healthy! My father in law turned 66 today so this was in his honor. I’m thankful to be able to push myself physically and hope to for years to come! Keep at it men and let’s set the tone in our fitness and in every area that matters!